Mikaeel KhalidforMikaeels Blogmikaeels.hashnode.net·Feb 17, 2023How to send emails with SES in AWS CDKSending emails is a crucial aspect of modern communication, whether it's for personal or business purposes. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a powerful email delivery service called Simple Email Service (SES), which enables you to send email messag...Discuss·363 readsAWS CDKAWS
Durgesh UpadhyayforScaling Startups with Full-Stack Devudurgesh6.hashnode.net·Mar 28, 2023Streamlining Your Workflow: How to Generate and Send PDFs via AWS SES using Node.jsMany times, we find ourselves needing to generate a PDF from HTML content or plain text and then send it via AWS SES service. While it may seem complex at first, breaking down the process into individual requirements can make it easier to accomplish....DiscussSES
saput komtloforsaput komtlo's blogpakuito.hashnode.net·Jan 30, 2023I wouldn’t wish Billie Eilish’s success on my worst enemyI wouldn’t wish Billie Eilish’s success on my worst enemy. There’s a stage of fame that, at least to an outsider, looks fun and exciting. You’re young and rich, and everyone is happy to see you every time you go anywhere. There’s also a stage of fame...Discuss·37 readsSES
Yogitha KforMyLearnings!kakarlayogitha.hashnode.net·Apr 23, 2023Using python boto3 functions and lambda to send attachment to emailWe have a requirement to send a CSV file present in the S3 bucket as an attachment to an email. AWS Services Used AWS S3 - For storing CSV file, which needs to be sent to the email AWS IAM:- Creating roles, and permissions required for services to in...DiscussS3
Ram KumarforDevOps Insights: Streamlining Softwaredevopstutorial.hashnode.net·Apr 14, 2023Sending Email using AWS SES to your email ID.Log on to AWS Console Log in to the AWS console (https://aws.amazon.com/console/) with your username and password, If you don't have an account already created on AWS, you can create one. Steps to create the account first-time https://repost.aws/kno...Discuss·121 readsSES
Durgesh UpadhyayforScaling Startups with Full-Stack Devudurgesh6.hashnode.net·Mar 28, 2023Streamlining Your Workflow: How to Generate and Send PDFs via AWS SES using Node.jsMany times, we find ourselves needing to generate a PDF from HTML content or plain text and then send it via AWS SES service. While it may seem complex at first, breaking down the process into individual requirements can make it easier to accomplish....DiscussSES
Njigouh Abdoulaye RazakforAbdoulaye's Blogabdoulayetech.hashnode.net·Feb 26, 2023Introduction au Sans Serveur ("Serverless") - Partie 1Présentation L'informatique sans serveur ("serverless") est un modèle de développement infonuagique qui permet aux développeurs de créer et d'exécuter des applications sans avoir à gérer des serveurs. Pour chaque concept que nous allons traiter, nous...Discuss·59 readsserverless
Mikaeel KhalidforMikaeels Blogmikaeels.hashnode.net·Feb 17, 2023How to send emails with SES in AWS CDKSending emails is a crucial aspect of modern communication, whether it's for personal or business purposes. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a powerful email delivery service called Simple Email Service (SES), which enables you to send email messag...Discuss·363 readsAWS CDKAWS
saput komtloforsaput komtlo's blogpakuito.hashnode.net·Jan 30, 2023I wouldn’t wish Billie Eilish’s success on my worst enemyI wouldn’t wish Billie Eilish’s success on my worst enemy. There’s a stage of fame that, at least to an outsider, looks fun and exciting. You’re young and rich, and everyone is happy to see you every time you go anywhere. There’s also a stage of fame...Discuss·37 readsSES