Brian WanjalaforWanjala Brianwanjalabr.hashnode.net路Dec 26, 2022Day 2: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)Introduction EDA is a method of analyzing and summarizing a dataset in order to better understand the underlying structure and patterns within the data. It is an important step in the data science process and can help identify issues with the data, s...Discuss路46 reads#OutlierAnalysis
Brian WanjalaforWanjala Brianwanjalabr.hashnode.net路Dec 26, 2022Day 2: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)Introduction EDA is a method of analyzing and summarizing a dataset in order to better understand the underlying structure and patterns within the data. It is an important step in the data science process and can help identify issues with the data, s...Discuss路46 reads#OutlierAnalysis