Zach·Nov 3, 2021The Protect Function of the NIST Cybersecurity FrameworkIntroduction We previously looked at The Identify Function of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and saw how the intended purpose is to identify assets, assess their value, identify threats/risks, determine the likelihood of a successful attack, identi...DiscussNIST
Zach·Jan 13, 2022Respond Function of the NIST Cybersecurity FrameworkIntroduction Now that we have discussed the Identify, Protect, and Detect functions, it's time to focus on the Respond function. The Respond Function is all about what to do when a cybersecurity incident happens. The goal of the Respond function is t...Discuss#cybersecurity
Zach·Oct 24, 2021The Identify Function of the NIST Cybersecurity FrameworkIntroduction The first core function of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is Identify and it's all about understanding and managing risks in your business or organization. This means identifying the things that support the business, like systems, peop...Discuss·47 readsNIST
Ganesh·Apr 25, 2023Locked and Loaded: The Importance of App Authentication in Today's Digital WorldAuthentication: Authentication can be very discouraging to build as a developer keeping various security features in mind. It is ideal to use or build authentication systems that don’t depend on 3rd party providers at all. Custom-building authenticat...Discussauthentication
Zach WingoforThe·Dec 5, 2021The Detect Function of the NIST Cybersecurity FrameworkIn our ongoing series on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, we have previously covered the identify and protect functions. In this article, we will delve deeper into the detect function, which is an essential component of any comprehensive cybersecuri...DiscussNIST
Asma ImthiyasforAsma's·Jul 25, 2022Selecting Security ControlsSo, We all would have read a lot about policies, procedures, frameworks, security controls, and much more in Cybersecurity, but that's not how actually we will be using it. Everything will be bits and pieces if you don't actually know how to implemen...DiscussNIST
Adam ChemironforAdam·Jul 9, 2022Developing an Incident Response Plan for your Organization"Every incident starts as an event, but not all events become incidents" The gravity of that statement rings true to any incident response team that has had to deal with numerous events that, on the surface, seem to be an incident but turn out to be ...Discuss·74 readsincident response
Zach WingoforThe·Jan 13, 2022Respond Function of the NIST Cybersecurity FrameworkIntroduction Now that we have discussed the Identify, Protect, and Detect functions, it's time to focus on the Respond function. The Respond Function is all about what to do when a cybersecurity incident happens. The goal of the Respond function is t...Discuss#cybersecurity
Zach WingoforThe·Nov 3, 2021The Protect Function of the NIST Cybersecurity FrameworkIntroduction We previously looked at The Identify Function of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and saw how the intended purpose is to identify assets, assess their value, identify threats/risks, determine the likelihood of a successful attack, identi...DiscussNIST
Zach WingoforThe·Oct 24, 2021The Identify Function of the NIST Cybersecurity FrameworkIntroduction The first core function of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is Identify and it's all about understanding and managing risks in your business or organization. This means identifying the things that support the business, like systems, peop...Discuss·47 readsNIST