Bhanuprakash EagalaforJoy of Learningbhanuprakasheagala.hashnode.net路Jan 5, 2023Tales of System Programming - 3Hello there, Hope you are doing well : ) A Function pointer is a pointer that holds the address of a function. This type of pointer is useful for controlling the execution sequence within an application by allowing alternate functions to be executed ...Discuss路29 readsfunction pointers
Bhanuprakash EagalaforJoy of Learningbhanuprakasheagala.hashnode.net路Jan 5, 2023Tales of System Programming - 3Hello there, Hope you are doing well : ) A Function pointer is a pointer that holds the address of a function. This type of pointer is useful for controlling the execution sequence within an application by allowing alternate functions to be executed ...Discuss路29 readsfunction pointers