Aadarsh Thakuraadarshthakur.hashnode.net·Dec 13, 2022ZOD - TypeScript-first schema data validationDo you guys know that Typescript only does type-checking at compile time and no runtime checks? Well, why do we even need runtime checks after typescript compile time checks, well the first use could be validating data on the server side, which types...8 likes·54 readsTypeScript
Stefan Skorpensko.hashnode.net·Sep 22, 2022Use react-aria with react-hook-form and ZodI am making a form for my new project, and I want the form to have good accessability, validation, and ready made components that I just have to style a bit with Tailwind. For accessability I found that react-aria from Adobe is pretty good, I am used...231 readsreact-hook-form
jarvispactjarvispact.hashnode.net·Mar 23, 2023How to write your own zodIntro zod is a schema based validation library with static type inference. It is production ready, has a rich community and ecosystem. You should check it out if you have the need for such a library. My approach to learn advanced typescript concepts...TypeScript
Dan Bahramidanbahrami.hashnode.net·Apr 23, 2023Generating test data with ZodI was recently integrating a web app into a desktop native app. When building the API layer between the two I used zod to validate the data that we receive in the web app. To test the API layer I needed some fake data. My usual approach would be to w...zod
Stefan Skorpensko.hashnode.net·Apr 10, 2023Reset password via email with Supabase and SveltekitSupabase offer a method to reset your password via email. Most guides I found online skips the part where you detect the event from supabase and securely check that the user is allowed to change password. In the documentation it says that you can use...supabase
Hoh Shen Yienshenyien.hashnode.net·Apr 8, 2023Insta-Next: Creating Posts and Stories with POST RequestsIn this part, we will start to add posts and stories creation in our InstaNext. At the same time, we will use Zod to validate form inputs from the frontend and request bodies in the backend. Finally, we will build the missing registration form. As a ...Fullstack Instagram Clone with Next.jsNext.js
jarvispactjarvispact.hashnode.net·Mar 23, 2023How to write your own zodIntro zod is a schema based validation library with static type inference. It is production ready, has a rich community and ecosystem. You should check it out if you have the need for such a library. My approach to learn advanced typescript concepts...TypeScript
Aadarsh Thakuraadarshthakur.hashnode.net·Dec 13, 2022ZOD - TypeScript-first schema data validationDo you guys know that Typescript only does type-checking at compile time and no runtime checks? Well, why do we even need runtime checks after typescript compile time checks, well the first use could be validating data on the server side, which types...8 likes·54 readsTypeScript
Alex Anieocxigin.hashnode.net·Nov 29, 2022How to set up a TypeScript projectThis is a continuation from the previous blog post What is TypeScript, Where we explained what TypeScript is, and everything regarding TypeScript, in this blog, we are simply going to be explaining how to set-up a TypeScript Project so that we can st...47 readsTypeScript
Stefan Skorpensko.hashnode.net·Sep 22, 2022Use react-aria with react-hook-form and ZodI am making a form for my new project, and I want the form to have good accessability, validation, and ready made components that I just have to style a bit with Tailwind. For accessability I found that react-aria from Adobe is pretty good, I am used...231 readsreact-hook-form