·Jan 6, 2022Web Design AccessibilityINTRODUCTION You have built that beautiful User Interface for your website, but is it accessible? What is Web Design Accessibility and why should it be put into consideration when creating a User Interface. Before digging further, who is this article...186 likes·1.0K reads100DaysOfCode
Chris·Oct 8, 2020Featured5 amazing Chrome accessibility tools you didn't know!I think we are all aware we as developers are responsible for making the web more accessible. With accessibility, we mean making websites that are designed and coded so people with disabilities can use them. I, for one, never know how to start? I kee...82 likes·506 readsGoogle Chrome
Savvas·Nov 23, 2021FeaturedLet's create an accessible tic-tac-toe game.We all love a game of tic-tac-toe. It’s simple, it’s fun and a good pastime for all ages. It’s also great as a project to practice learning a new programming language or tool. This tutorial will do exactly that, but with a twist you haven’t seen befo...69 likes·1.0K readsAccessible projects!a11y
Jessie·Apr 5, 2023Building a modal with web accessibilityIntroduction Recently I'm building a modal for a code challenge for interviews, and that gets me into the world of web accessibility and how important it is. There is so much to learn. Web accessibility refers to the practice of designing and develop...40 readsWeb Accessibility
Parthiban·Mar 30, 2023How crucial is Web Accessibility?Front-end development depends heavily on accessibility. Its purpose is to guarantee that people with disabilities can utilize and interact with web applications and websites. This includes individuals who are visually or hearing impaired, have learni...Web Development
Himanshu·Mar 25, 2023How to increase web accessibility scoreWhat is web accessibility? Web accessibility refers to the practice of designing and developing websites that are usable and accessible to people with disabilities, including those who have visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive impairments. The goal ...53 readsAccessibility
Victoria Burabari·Mar 2, 20239 Tips To Help Improve Accessibility On A Web PageHere are few ways to make the web more accessible for people with disabilities. Use The “role” Attribute To increase a page’s accessibility, the “role” attribute can be used to indicate the purpose behind an element on the page to assistive techno...Web Accessibility
Claudia·Feb 13, 2023Accessibility Best Practices for NewbiesPlease note - this is a topic I'm continuing to learn about, even as I'm typing! Feel free to drop me a line if you'd like to add/comment/correct. But wait! Why does this matter? Who needs this? Anybody can be an ally in the cause of digital accessib...Web Accessibility
Ogoh Blessing·Jan 23, 2023Web AccessibilityWhat Web Accessibility is Web accessibility is the practice of making websites usable for every user. It involves following set standards which ensure that differently-abled people have the same or a similar experience as others. When websites and we...2 likes·109 readsWeb Accessibility
Ogoh Blessing·Jan 10, 2023Think About Your AudienceIntroduction In the past 5 weeks, I have had the opportunity to work with a diverse, welcoming community comprised of people with really great minds which I have learned from. Thanks to them, concepts that I struggled to understand are now clear, tas...56 readsAccessibility
Moritz André·Dec 28, 2022An Introduction to Web Accessibility and Why It MattersIntroduction The web is a powerful tool. It can share information, connect people, and foster understanding. However, accessibility issues in web design can break millions of users who rely on assistive technologies to access digital experiences. Thi...10 likes·40 readsWeb Development
Dileep·Oct 17, 2022Basics of Accessibility TestingWhat is it? It is a software testing type performed to ensure that the application being tested is usable for users who may or may not have an impairment. This is a subset of usability testing. The aim is to make the software more accessible to all p...accessibility testing
Anthony·Sep 18, 2022What Does Accessibility Mean for Developers?Introduction Hello readers! Have you ever used a website or application and didn't work the way it was supposed to? Do you remember the feeling of frustration you had when it happened? Well, as web developers this is the kind of experience we don't w...82 readscodenewbie