haresh lakhwanidailylearn.hashnode.net·Mar 27, 20238 Essential TypeScript Utility Types You Need to KnowIn this blog, we are going to learn about different utility types that we have in typescript and how they help us on daily basis. Utility types in TypeScript are built-in tools that allow us to create new types by transforming existing types. In this...67 likes·287 readsTypeScript
Joseph Tsegentsegsxaviers.hashnode.net·Jan 30, 2023Into Typescript's utility TypesTypescript offers a few useful features which enhance developer productivity working with types. Utility Types are one of these features, they are types that are available globally meaning they are in-built and work without you importing them from an...11 likes·112 readsTypeScript
Paul Mattioneradiantsoftware.hashnode.net·Apr 13, 2023C++ Type Erasure on the Stack - Part IIIn Part I of this blog series, we covered how to get a string with our type name, how to safely store type-erased objects, and how to handle trivial types. Now we'll cover how to handle type-erased storage of general types (AnyObject): ones whose cop...10 likes·28 readsC++ Type Erasure on the StackC++
Paul Mattioneradiantsoftware.hashnode.net·Apr 19, 2023Getting Type Names in C++For logging and debugging it can be extremely useful to get a string for the name of a type in C++. However, the standard library doesn't supply a great way of doing that. We don't want to use the standard typeid operator, std::type_info, or std::typ...C++
Paul Mattioneradiantsoftware.hashnode.net·Apr 14, 2023C++ Type Erasure on the Stack - Part IIIIn Part I of this blog series, we covered how to convert our type name to a string, how to safely store type-erased objects, and how to handle trivial types (AnyTrivial). In Part II we covered how to manage type-erased storage of general types (AnyOb...C++ Type Erasure on the StackC++
Paul Mattioneradiantsoftware.hashnode.net·Apr 13, 2023C++ Type Erasure on the Stack - Part IIIn Part I of this blog series, we covered how to get a string with our type name, how to safely store type-erased objects, and how to handle trivial types. Now we'll cover how to handle type-erased storage of general types (AnyObject): ones whose cop...10 likes·28 readsC++ Type Erasure on the StackC++
Paul Mattioneradiantsoftware.hashnode.net·Apr 12, 2023C++ Type Erasure on the Stack - Part IType erasure is where the type of an object is hidden so that the object can be utilized in a type-independent manner. Type erasure is extremely useful in several scenarios, including heterogeneous containers (containers that store objects of differe...28 readsC++ Type Erasure on the StackC++
AbdulRahman AbdulSalamdeprof.hashnode.net·Mar 31, 2023Breaking into Typescript: the basics that you need to start using Typescript - Part IHello guys, welcome to another one of my interesting reads on here. It's been a while, hasn't it? Today, we’re going to be discussing and as well be getting you up and running writing Typescript with the basics of Typescript. Oh, don't give me that f...2 likes·48 readsTypeScript
haresh lakhwanidailylearn.hashnode.net·Mar 27, 20238 Essential TypeScript Utility Types You Need to KnowIn this blog, we are going to learn about different utility types that we have in typescript and how they help us on daily basis. Utility types in TypeScript are built-in tools that allow us to create new types by transforming existing types. In this...67 likes·287 readsTypeScript
Rizwanedgecomputing.hashnode.net·Mar 25, 2023what is generics in java & what are advantages of using genericsGenerics in Java are a powerful feature that allows developers to write more type-safe and reusable code. Introduced in Java 5, generics provide a way to parameterize classes, methods, and interfaces with a type or set of types. In this blog post, we...Java
Alvison Hunteralvisonhunter.hashnode.net·Mar 25, 2023Generic Types in TypeScriptHave you ever heard of Generic Types in TypeScript? If you're familiar with TypeScript, you might have encountered this term before. Generic Types are a powerful feature in TypeScript that allows you to write code that is more flexible and reusable. ...TypeScript Generics
Wendel Fabian Chinsamywendelwritescode.hashnode.net·Mar 15, 2023Typescript Literal TypesIntroduction Literal types are a feature of the Typescript compiler that allows the creation of types that have a specific value of a primitive type. Literal types can be of type string, number or boolean. Let's take a look at literal types in code. ...TypeScript
Ajay Kumarajay020.hashnode.net·Feb 14, 2023Keyof Type Operator | TypeScriptThe keyof operator is used to extract the keys of an object type and use them as a type. The keyof takes an object as input and returns a union type of its keys. Let's understand it with an example. interface Person { name: string; age: number; ...TypeScript