Jannik Wempejannikwempe.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2021FeaturedWhy Svelte is different - and awesome!Just to get this out of the way in the beginning: This is not meant to be bashing other frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular. I used all of them and React (using NextJS) is mostly still my go-to. What is Svelte? Svelte is a radical new approach to...164 likes·7.2K readsSvelte
JTKheyjtk.hashnode.net·Jan 28, 2022FeaturedVue vs. Svelte vs. ReactFor those of us who don’t get to work with frontend technologies, it can be hard to stay up to speed on the latest & greatest developments with JavaScript frameworks. For this reason, today we are going to explore two very popular frameworks, Vue and...148 likes·3.8K readsVue.js
Madzamadza.hashnode.net·Aug 5, 20218 Projects to Build to Master Your Front-End Skills 🥇🏆I've always believed that the best way to learn is by doing. Recruiters prefer practical projects over theoretical knowledge, as well. Over the span of a year, I created 8 web app and game clones. I decided to share them, so the community can get som...111 likes·1.4K readsReact
Tapan Sharmatapansharma.hashnode.net·Apr 12, 2023How to Setup Laravel with Svelte, Inertia.js, and Vite | Tutorial (2023)Setting up Laravel with Inertia.js should be straightforward, but it's not the same if you want to install it with Svelte. While implementing it myself, I faced some issues which I'm sure you're gonna face as well. And that's the reason I decided to ...Laravel
Ahmed Onouronour.hashnode.net·Mar 31, 2023The Newbie Framework: SvelteKit🔥SvelteKit is a new framework built on top of Svelte, a popular front-end framework, that provides an integrated solution for building web applications. SvelteKit aims to simplify the development process and increase productivity by leveraging the pow...30 readsJavaScript
Shinichi Okadacodewithshin.hashnode.net·Mar 31, 2023Creating A Svelte Tabs Component With Slot PropsWhen creating Svelte components, you may need to expose the parent component values to the child component. The Svelte let directive can do that through a slot. In this article, we will create a Svelte tabs component using the let directive to expose...Svelte
Ahmed Onouronour.hashnode.net·Mar 25, 2023SvelteKit: What is it and why should I care?SvelteKit is a web development framework that builds on top of the Svelte front-end framework. It is designed to help developers build fast, scalable, and easy-to-maintain web applications. SvelteKit offers a range of benefits that make it an attract...Svelte
Rodney Lab - Content Site WebDev & Serverlessrodneylab.hashnode.net·Mar 16, 2023Adding Social Sharing Images in SvelteKitAdding Social Sharing Images & Meta to your SvelteKit Posts Continuing our SvelteKit beginner tutorial series, in this installment, we look at adding social sharing images in SvelteKit. We also see how easy it is to add other Search Engine Optimizati...JAMstack
Arsham Aryaarshamalh.hashnode.net·Mar 11, 2023How to use Docker Multistage to make tiny images (TS and Golang)Have you ever wondered how you can remove redundant build dependencies from your docker image? Did you know your image can be easily optimized? We're not much language-related in this article, and reading all examples can be beneficial. TS example ...2 likes·117 readsDockerGo Language
Justin Rameljustindev.hashnode.net·Mar 8, 2023SvelteKit - Create & UpdateContinuing from last time, we will explore the concepts behind Create and Update functionality and provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement it in your SvelteKit application. Let's get started! Server & Client Code In SvelteKit, the server-sid...10 likes·44 readsSvelteKitSveltekit
Opeyemi AdepojuforOpen Replay's Technical Blogopenreplay.hashnode.net·Mar 8, 2023Form Validation in SvelteForms continue to be a crucial component of web user interaction. When dealing with forms, we have to monitor user input, verify and report errors, and manage form submissions. Validating form input is essential to development, ensuring we receive on...Svelte
Justin Rameljustindev.hashnode.net·Mar 6, 2023Introduction to SvelteKit: Getting StartedIn this post, I will introduce you to SvelteKit – a powerful and easy to use framework for building server-side rendered web applications. I've used the predecessor to SvelteKit, Sapper but things have moved on quite a bit since then so let's see how...10 likes·50 readsSvelteKitSvelte
kylebuildsstuffkylebuildsstuff.hashnode.net·Mar 5, 2023Build a Video Transcriber with Whisper Speech to Text APIOverview OpenAI just released version 2 of Whisper API, their speech to text model. That means voice transcription just got a whole lot better. Let’s build a little proof of concept. Our project will have an input for uploading files and a button tha...61 readsSvelte