blondeau·Apr 14, 2023Daily-motivation: create spring boot applicationSpring Boot is a popular Java-based framework used to create web applications. It provides a range of features that simplify the development process, such as auto-configuration, embedded servers, and a range of starter dependencies. In this document,...3 likesSpringboot
Kishan·Sep 30, 2022Why use SpecificationBuilder ?Hi there ,lets discuss it. Often in spring boot application we receive many api request which requires some filter on data .These Filter values are sent From Frontend in payload body. Also what if there are other request which require different filte...1 likeSpringboot
Shohanur·Mar 18, 2023Spring Data JpaIntroduction What is Spring Data JPA and why is it useful? Spring Data JPA is a library that helps you easily implement the data access layer of your application. It is based on the Java Persistence API (JPA), which is a Java specification for acces...1 likeSpring Data Jpa
Pranay·Apr 17, 2023Hibernate – Save Image and Other Types of Values to DatabaseOverview In Hibernate, you can save images and other types of values as attributes of your entity classes using appropriate data types and mappings. To save images, you can use the @Lob annotation with a data type of byte[] or Blob to indicate that...Spring-HibernateSpringboot
blondeau·Apr 14, 2023Daily-motivation: create spring boot applicationSpring Boot is a popular Java-based framework used to create web applications. It provides a range of features that simplify the development process, such as auto-configuration, embedded servers, and a range of starter dependencies. In this document,...3 likesSpringboot
Kai·Apr 7, 2023Introduction to Spring Data CockroachDBThe Spring Data CockroachDB project aims to provide a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for CockroachDB as a SQL database. The primary goal of the Spring Data project is to make it easier to build Spring-powered applications that...JDBC Driver for CockroachDBSpring Data Jpa
Shohanur·Mar 18, 2023Spring Data JpaIntroduction What is Spring Data JPA and why is it useful? Spring Data JPA is a library that helps you easily implement the data access layer of your application. It is based on the Java Persistence API (JPA), which is a Java specification for acces...1 likeSpring Data Jpa
Shailendra·Feb 4, 2023Using multiple Datasource with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPASpring Boot with Spring Data JPA provides quick and easy way to configure single datasource and accessing database using repository. But have you wondered if you have to get data from multiple databases or even different DBMS? Lucky for us spring pro...709 readsSpringboot
Amr·Jan 26, 2023Creating a Simple Application with Spring Boot and JPA RepositoryThis tutorial is part of Springing into Action: A Spring Boot Journey from Novice to Pro Series, be sure to check it out for more related content! In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple application using Spring Boot and JPA Repository...48 readsSpringing into Action: A Spring Boot Journey from Novice to ProSpringboot
Ujjal·Jan 11, 2023Implementing Spring Boot JPA in Generic way for Common ServicesOne of the important parts of clean coding is to remove boilerplate code as much as possible. But we often forget to do this because sometimes the delivery date is knocking at the door, or we are too lazy to optimize our codes. But if you want your d...1 like·78 readsJava
Adepu·Oct 7, 2022Set Dynamic table names in model classWhat is model class in java Model class represents the table in the database. Spring Data JPA dependency used for relational database and Spring data mongodb dependency used for non-relational database which is no-sql. Configuration with Document ann...26 readsMongoDB
Kishan·Sep 30, 2022Why use SpecificationBuilder ?Hi there ,lets discuss it. Often in spring boot application we receive many api request which requires some filter on data .These Filter values are sent From Frontend in payload body. Also what if there are other request which require different filte...1 likeSpringboot
Kai·Sep 13, 2022JPA Best Practices - Identity GeneratorsIntroduction This article is part four of a series of data access best practices when using JPA and CockroachDB. The goal is to help reduce the impact of workload contention and to optimize performance. Although most of the principles are fairly fram...131 readsJPA Best Practices for CockroachDBSpringboot