Tadas Petratadaspetra.hashnode.net·Dec 7, 2020How to Start a Youtube Channel with 0 Online PresenceJanuary 15th, 2020 was the day I decided to put my cringey first video out in public. A day later I checked back and it got 4 views. Now almost 11 months later the channel has amassed almost 10,000 subscribers and over 40,000 monthly views. Here's ho...109 likes·1.6K readsyoutube
Jorge Romerojorgerl.hashnode.net·Mar 10, 2022FeaturedNetworking for Success!So I decided to work a little bit on my online presence. I'll share with you what I did. Hoping you find It useful if you want to do the same. But by now you know me... Im a sucker for those sweet theoretical ramblings. Im just not satisfied with the...74 likes·2.0K readsWriting Everyday! networking
Apoorv Tanejaplxity.hashnode.net·Feb 2, 2021Hangman - A fun game to see how much people know you.Introduction Hangman game is my submission for Hashnode and Vercel Hackathon under the category - Social. It is a small application/game to play with your friends. I hope you'll like it. 😄 Hangman It is a fun application based on actual Hangman game...26 likes·120 readssocial
Ayodele Aransiolaleom.hashnode.net·Feb 4, 2023A Guide to Understanding and Implementing Web 3 to Provide Social SolutionsOne of the most significant possibilities of Web 3 is the ability to provide social solutions that are not controlled by any single entity. In this article, we will look into how you can understand and implement Web 3 to provide social solutions. Fir...50 readssocial engineering
CyberConnectforCyberConnectcyberconnect.hashnode.net·Oct 19, 2022Getting Started with CyberConnectWhat is CyberConnect? CyberConnect is a decentralized social network protocol that helps developers build their Web3 social applications. It has a data infrastructure that helps store and manage users’ self-sovereign social data at scale and a smart ...7 likes·1.1K readsWeb3
Elizabeth Sotomayorroseinit.hashnode.net·Jun 16, 2022On Digital Clutter and Tidying UpDoes anyone else remember having to defragment their old Windows PCs? For those who don't, it was a sometimes hours long process designed to free up hard drive space by re-organizing the contents of whatever storage device was being used, in order to...37 readssocial media
James Hudsonpoliteyeti.hashnode.net·Jun 5, 2022Remote Working: Thriving in the Face of a Social DesertI'll start by stating the obvious. The toothpaste is out of the tube, the genie is out of the bottle. Working from home is not only possible but could very well be better for both the employer and the employee. The discussion about whether WFH should...51 readssocial
Jorge Romerojorgerl.hashnode.net·Mar 10, 2022FeaturedNetworking for Success!So I decided to work a little bit on my online presence. I'll share with you what I did. Hoping you find It useful if you want to do the same. But by now you know me... Im a sucker for those sweet theoretical ramblings. Im just not satisfied with the...74 likes·2.0K readsWriting Everyday! networking
Indrajitblogsbyindrajit.hashnode.net·Feb 28, 2022Introducing to you the simplest and most fascinating social network - Thoughts.✨ Introduction Hello everybody! Hope you are having a good day! Today I am sharing the project I have built for the Netlify X Hashnode hackathon. 💭 About Thoughts Thoughts is a different kind of social network and is unlike anything you have ever s...17 likes·277 readsNetlifyHackathon
Mathews Jobyneocode.hashnode.net·Jan 6, 2022Making A Discord Bot!Hi everyone! I'm Mathews and I started working on a Discord bot which is a helpful addition to any server. I am making it using python. Anyone, whether beginner or pro can DM me on Discord. NeoClipse#5089 This is my ID. I have a server which you can...1 like·31 readsDeveloper Blogging
Avi Kessnercontinuouscoding.hashnode.net·Dec 25, 2021Why is software singled out as being sociotechnical?I recently finished reading Peopleware by Tom DeMarco. Though the book is dated, and I wouldn't recommend the book except as a glimpse into the past, it does provide some great insights that have since been repeated elsewhere. The main gist of People...30 readssocial
Mohammad Siddik Ibragimovmuhammadsiddiq.hashnode.net·Dec 10, 2021Social Engineering nima ?Social Engineering ? hmm bunaqa narsaga oldin ko'zingiz tushganmi yoki yo'q bilmadimku ammo agar birinchi marta eshitayotgan bo'lsangiz ijtimoiy tarmoqlar yaratuvchilari shunday deb atalsa kerak deb o'ylasangiz kerak, aslida esa deyarli unday emas. O...41 readshacking
Mrunali Khandekarmrunalikhandekar.hashnode.net·Dec 7, 2021Step by step guide to integrate sign with Gmail in Laravel.In this blog I will be explaining how to integrate gmail sign-in in laravel which is completely free including the google api's. So let's get started. 1. Install the laravel project. (refer my previous blogs or visit the website https://mrunali.in/)...6 likes·75 readsLaravel