Isaac·Aug 17, 2022Utilizing SendGrid SMTP relay to setup a Discourse serverLast week I started reading a new book titled "Starship For Sale" by M.R. Forbes. I thought it would be a fun project to build a fan site around the book series. While I was designing the site I wanted to add a forum so that other fans of the book se...43 likes·96 readssmtp
Smit·Mar 19, 2023Serverless email notifications with SendgridEmail notifications have become an integral part of our systems. Common use cases include sending reports, notifying build success, system failure events, etc. This tutorial demonstrates a solution using Google Cloud Functions to send emails using Se...7 likes·38 readssendgrid
Edward Fumnanya·Sep 10, 2022How to integrate Twilio Sendgrid into your Django ApplicationHow to integrate Twilio Sendgrid into your Django Application Hey guys, Today, we will be learning how to integrate Twilio Sendgrid into our Django Application. For those who do not know what Twilio Sendgird is, here's a brief introduction. Sendgrid...1 like·102 readssendgrid
Smit·Mar 19, 2023Serverless email notifications with SendgridEmail notifications have become an integral part of our systems. Common use cases include sending reports, notifying build success, system failure events, etc. This tutorial demonstrates a solution using Google Cloud Functions to send emails using Se...7 likes·38 readssendgrid
Christian·Nov 6, 20226 Redesigning my portfolio appContact Page is activated Today I worked on integrating a SendGrid email functionality on the Contact form. It was fairly easy to setup once I figured out how to correctly set my environment variables. I have set up a way to send a Thank You email to...Redesign Portfolioportfolio
Edward Fumnanya·Sep 10, 2022How to integrate Twilio Sendgrid into your Django ApplicationHow to integrate Twilio Sendgrid into your Django Application Hey guys, Today, we will be learning how to integrate Twilio Sendgrid into our Django Application. For those who do not know what Twilio Sendgird is, here's a brief introduction. Sendgrid...1 like·102 readssendgrid
Ankit·Aug 30, 2022Using Devise and SendGrid to send confirmation email on rails appFirst make normal rails app with devise user model. $ rails new awesome-app This will create new app $ cd awesome-app It will change the directory to our new project Setup Gemfile. Add gem 'devise' and gem 'sendgrid-ruby' to the Gemfile finally...39 readsRuby on Rails
Isaac·Aug 17, 2022Utilizing SendGrid SMTP relay to setup a Discourse serverLast week I started reading a new book titled "Starship For Sale" by M.R. Forbes. I thought it would be a fun project to build a fan site around the book series. While I was designing the site I wanted to add a forum so that other fans of the book se...43 likes·96 readssmtp