Abhay Singh Rathoreabhaysinghr.hashnode.net·Jan 22, 2023Building a Simple Recommendation System with Scikit-LearnBuilding a recommendation system can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. In this tutorial, we will be building a simple recommendation system using the popular library sci-kit-l...10 likes·61 readsscikit learn
Emmanuel Ogebeemmanuelogebe.hashnode.net·Apr 19, 2023Nigerian Movie Recommendation System: A Machine Learning ProjectAbstract Nollywood movies are referred to as “Nollywood” because they were produced in Nigeria utilizing a type of video equipment known as a “Nolly,” which was thought to be an acronym for “Nigeria” or “National Optical Lens.” The Nigerian Movie I...3 likes·155 readsPersonal ProjectsMachine Learning
Kalishasurkalishasur.hashnode.net·Oct 9, 2022How to evaluate the performance of your machine learning model?Index What is model evaluation? Different methods of evaluating your classification model How to evaluate your model using Scikit-learn metrics? Conclusion What is model evaluation? Let's say you are learning a new subject, and you have spent...62 readsData Sciencescikit learn
Muhammad Kadirkaymohh.hashnode.net·Apr 22, 2023Step-by-Step Guide: How to Build a Simple Machine Learning Model Using Scikit-LearnAre you tired of constantly Googling the price of your favorite stocks or cryptocurrencies? Have you ever wondered how you could use machine learning to predict their future values? Well, look no further! In this article, we will dive into building a...Machine Learning
Emmanuel Ogebeemmanuelogebe.hashnode.net·Apr 19, 2023Nigerian Movie Recommendation System: A Machine Learning ProjectAbstract Nollywood movies are referred to as “Nollywood” because they were produced in Nigeria utilizing a type of video equipment known as a “Nolly,” which was thought to be an acronym for “Nigeria” or “National Optical Lens.” The Nigerian Movie I...3 likes·155 readsPersonal ProjectsMachine Learning
satish Mishratechtonics.hashnode.net·Apr 7, 2023Demystifying fit_transform and transform in Scikit-learn: Which Method to Use for Data Preprocessing and When?Machine learning models often require data preprocessing before being trained. Preprocessing involves transforming the raw data into a format that is more suitable for machine learning algorithms. In scikit-learn, there are two methods used for data ...28 readsMachine Learning
Barry Ugochukwuwritemlcode.hashnode.net·Mar 15, 2023What Are Learning Curves and Why You Should Care About ThemBefore we begin make sure you check the previous article in this series here How do we know if our models are learning well or not? How do we measure their performance and improvement over time? How do we diagnose and fix common problems such as unde...Expert Tips to Optimize Machine Learning Model Performance and Boost Accuracy #LearningCurve
Sallah Kokainacraftbox.hashnode.net·Jan 26, 2023Chapter 5 - Support Vector MachinePurpose A Support Vector Machine is a prevalent and widely used machine learning model. It helps perform linear and non-linear classification, regression, and outlier detection. SVMs are particularly well suited for classification of complex but smal...a Machine Learning JourneyMachine Learning
Abhay Singh Rathoreabhaysinghr.hashnode.net·Jan 22, 2023Building a Simple Recommendation System with Scikit-LearnBuilding a recommendation system can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. In this tutorial, we will be building a simple recommendation system using the popular library sci-kit-l...10 likes·61 readsscikit learn
Hoang Linhnghiencodedao.hashnode.net·Jan 2, 2023An end-to-end Machine Learning projectLook at the Big Picture Frame the problem Mục tiêu của dự án là gì? Có thể build ML prediction model chưa phải là mục tiêu cuối, nó chỉ là công cụ hỗ trợ cho business nào đó tốt hơn. Biết được điều đó ta mới có thể xác định được: sử dụng algorithm n...49 readsMachine Learning
Devendra Bandu Solunkenitsucoder.hashnode.net·Dec 7, 2022Machine Learning LibrariesTensorFlow is an open-source software library for machine learning and deep learning, developed by Google. It allows for the creation of complex models and the efficient computation of numerical operations on large datasets. TensorFlow is used for bo...Machine Learning
Tamojit Daswebsplash.hashnode.net·Nov 4, 2022Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning With Python And TensorFlowDeliverable Credit Card Fraud detectection This article describes my machine learning project on credit card fraud. If you are interested in the code, you can find my notebook here. Introduction Ever since starting my journey into data science, I hav...68 readsPython
Kalishasurkalishasur.hashnode.net·Oct 9, 2022How to evaluate the performance of your machine learning model?Index What is model evaluation? Different methods of evaluating your classification model How to evaluate your model using Scikit-learn metrics? Conclusion What is model evaluation? Let's say you are learning a new subject, and you have spent...62 readsData Sciencescikit learn