Bright Williamsforwjbright's·Jul 24, 2022Bright! What do you want?Right now, I think I just want to be really sound technically. I want to know how to build using a wide but decent range of technologies. Which would be mostly Typescript. I want to use technologies like the create-t3-stack (Next.js, prisma, trpc… yo...Discuss·4 likes·133 readsrandom
Yaroslav SpirinforMobile Tips by Yaroslav·Aug 6, 2022Adding randomness to your iOS appThis is the central illusion in life: that randomness is a risk, that it is a bad thing. Why? In many cases, when developing mobile applications or games, we have a need to add unpredictable behavior to the program logic. Random numbers can be used ...Discuss·2 likes·2.1K readsiOS
Oye IbrahimforProgramming &&·Oct 1, 2022ENTER: Programming && Poetry...Learning Web Development will eventually create a variable in your head I'm starting this blog not because I have a huge passion for writing; at least not the long form-type-of-writing — me writing here is more like a personal repository for my thou...Discuss·1 like·27 readsrandom
Rohit MehtaforCode·Apr 2, 2023My Experience with Open Source Software: The Good, The Bad, and The UglyFree and Open-Source Software (FOSS) is an incredibly powerful concept that has changed the software landscape for the better. FOSS provides users with access to software that is not only free, but also allows for the inspection and modification of i...DiscussFOSS
Team LixupforONLINE TOOLS 4·Mar 28, 2023Random Password GeneratorWhat is an online random password generator? An online random password generator is a free tool that creates unique and secure random strong passwords. Protects personal and sensitive information, such as financial accounts and email. A strong passwo...Discusspasswords
sk shahriar ahmed rakaforSk Shahriar Ahmed·Feb 13, 2023Create Random number & Pure Random Number in Golang1. Create Random number Using math/rand Package rand implements pseudo-random number generators unsuitable for security-sensitive work. Random numbers are generated by a Source. Top-level functions, such as Float64 and Int, use a default shared Sourc...Discuss·54 readsGo Language
ErnestforRandom·Feb 10, 2023A little somethingLearning in itself can be hard, but learning programming is pretty easy, right SIKE it's not. It can get demotivating sometimes (okay a lot of time), especially when you find a particular concept hard to grasp. But you just have to keep telling yours...Discussrandom
Jaysmito MukherjeeforJaysmito's Procedural·Oct 31, 2022Generating Random Numbers?Well before we dive into procedural generation we need to know what exactly is procedural generation, right? Well procedural generation is letting the computer generate something based on certain parameters we give it as an input. Now where do we ne...Discuss·60 readsrandom
Lucas SchiaviniforLucas Schiavini's Archive 🗂·Oct 14, 2022If want to look into the future of technology...Backing up a few years, technology was mostly created in times of war. But then after video games entered the scene, they literally stole the show. You can sure go through the history of video games to find features that only became present on more "...Discussrandom
Oye IbrahimforProgramming &&·Oct 1, 2022ENTER: Programming && Poetry...Learning Web Development will eventually create a variable in your head I'm starting this blog not because I have a huge passion for writing; at least not the long form-type-of-writing — me writing here is more like a personal repository for my thou...Discuss·1 like·27 readsrandom
Roshan HegdeforStream of·Sep 13, 2022Two ways to live...Maybe more. There are as many ways to live as there are homo sapiens. Quite possibly, even the same human lives differently at different stages in life or even in different aspects of their lives like at work, with family, friends also might want t...Discussrandom
Rizky KurniawanforRizky·Aug 16, 2022Why Should I Have a Blog?Currently, the development of technology and the internet is very fast. Almost all the information you need can be obtained easily just by writing it in the column of a search engine such as Google or Bing. Do you know? In addition to getting informa...Discuss·36 readsrandom
Rizky KurniawanforRizky·Aug 15, 2022Should I Join a Student Organization?Should I join a student organization? This question will at least pop into your head when you first become a college student. Plus tens or even hundreds (if your campus is a large campus) student organizations are usually introduced to new students d...Discuss·33 readsrandom