Henry Andrewshandrews.hashnode.net·Nov 10, 2022FeaturedWhat is "Modern" JSON Schema?Welcome to the Modern JSON Schema (& APIs) blog! My name is Henry, and I'm the H. Andrews who co-authored all drafts of JSON Schema from 2017 to the present. With this blog, I want to help you use JSON Schema to the full extent of its capabilities!...32 likes·1.2K readsjson
Matteo CollinaforPlatformatic Blogmatteocollina-1662018710466.hashnode.net·Sep 22, 2022Our first Open Source tool: Platformatic DBAs I mentioned in my first article and video, Platformatic's mission is to remove all friction from backend development. Today, we Open Source the first library of our journey. What's the most annoying thing every backend developer must do at the beg...28 likes·5.2K readsGraphQL
Yonatan Karp-Rudinyonatankarp.hashnode.net·Dec 23, 2021How to write robust REST API with OpenAPIWhile working as a backend engineer, I developed a few REST APIs. There is one thing that always happened to me. No matter how simple or complicated the API is, that the integration between the backend and the clients has never been smooth. A typo in...21 likes·771 readsSpring-BootKotlin
Vinit Shahdeovinitshahdeo.hashnode.net·Mar 27, 2023Unleashing the Power of Open APIs: How OpenAPI Web Search Can Help?Hello Community! Postman has returned to GSoC as a mentoring org, and — given the project gets selected — I will be mentoring the OpenAPI Web Search (OAWS) project that makes finding Swagger & OpenAPI definitions easier and faster! In this blog post,...5 likes·478 readsOpenApi
Davies Nzandaviesdev.hashnode.net·Mar 15, 2023Using OpenAI API with pythonOpenAI allows its users to use these models with their comprehensive API documentation. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Completions API provided by OpenAI. Note: If you are intending to use this API for large company-sized applicatio...54 readsOpenApi
Lawal Afeezafeez1131.hashnode.net·Mar 13, 2023Exploring Python and the OpenAI API for Generating Images with DALL.E 2OpenAI's DALL-E 2 is a generative model that uses natural language to generate images based on a given description. Created by OpenAI, the model is trained on millions of images, text, and audio clips to generate creative artwork. It can quickly gene...2 likes·103 readsDjango
Steven A. BroderickforOpenZiti Tech Blogopenziti.hashnode.net·Mar 3, 2023OpenAPI Python ClientsAt the OpenZiti project, we heavily rely on OpenAPI specifications to streamline our development process. The OpenAPI project provides code generators that support a variety of programming languages. In this blog, we'll focus on a practical guide for...1 like·812 readsOpenApi
Kenneth BinghamforOpenZiti Tech Blogopenziti.hashnode.net·Mar 2, 2023Postman and the Management APIPostman can build a collection of API requests and has a friendly interface for walking the API specification. This article aims to accelerate your timeline for productively exploring the API and developing an integration. About the Management API Th...71 readsPostman
Swaleha Parvinswaleha.hashnode.net·Feb 19, 2023Extend Rocket.Chat's Functionality with Ease: Leveraging the Power of its REST APII'm excited to share with you how REST API can be used to control and extend Rocket.Chat with ease. Rocket.Chat is an open-source platform that offers real-time messaging, video conferencing, and file-sharing services. The platform's powerful REST AP...10 likes·61 readsGeneral Programming
Swaleha Parvinswaleha.hashnode.net·Feb 16, 2023OpenAPI 3 Specification: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples for DevelopersWhen I was working as a developer at IBM, I had the opportunity to work with many different API specifications, and I can say that OpenAPI 3 is one of the most powerful and versatile options available. In this blog post, I'll dive into what OpenAPI 3...10 likes·36 readsOpenApi
Chris Ramacciottichristherama.hashnode.net·Feb 3, 2023Validating OpenAPI Specs in a CI/CD Pipeline: A Guide to Ensuring API QualityWhere We've Been Expressing your API's intent enables product teams to verify that a critical gateway into your product's data operates as expected, and with integrity. Most broadly, this practices what Dr. Steven Spears calls a "problem-solving disc...70 readsPython
Tanmaya Tatsat Mahapatratanmayablog.hashnode.net·Feb 2, 2023ChatGPT (Blog)Title: "Getting to Know ChatGPT: The Cutting-Edge AI-Language Model" Dt. 02-02-23 Introduction: Have you ever heard of ChatGPT? This advanced language model is changing the way we interact with AI. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a cutting-edge tool ...4 likesChat-GPT
Mathias Miltermathiasmilter.hashnode.net·Jan 28, 2023Client Generation in .NET 7 🤖A bit of history 📚 Many developers have gone through the hassle of implementing clients toward external and internal APIs. Creating a client implementation of an API is tedious and error-prone if done manually. The solution to this problem is standa...124 readsAPIs