Saksham·Jun 29, 2022What is Deep Learning ?Here , I'll be discussing what is deep learning and what is the statistics or maths involved in it . So , we all know about Elon Musk and what is he doing to the world by his innovations ! It's the face recognition , self driving car and what's he d...31 likes·81 readsDeep Learning·Oct 6, 2022幼儿园到小学算术进度表分享3-10岁数学启蒙的难点在于把握进度,尊重大脑发展规律。有些我们大人觉得很简单,小孩没发育到位就是怎么搞都不行。搞过头了反而导致孩子压力太大,厌学。 这里整理了一个日本公文教育的3-10岁算术进度表,分享给大家。 不过这只是算术,加减乘除只是数学启蒙中的一小部分。 必须记住,真正的数学应该是一个包含空间、想象力、逻辑、几何等的系统。96 readsKids
Avantika·Feb 11, 2023My relationship with mathematicsHow I improved my relationship with mathematics in a week and you can do the same. I know it is kind of off-topic, but development is done in a local computer whose origins were based on developing a fast calculating device since the manual method of...46 readsMathematics
ROHAN·Apr 24, 2023Intro To Basic Statistics (01)INTRODUCTION Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection organization analysis interpretation and presentation of data, which means it is a set of rules and concepts for understanding the meaning coming from data. Let me give an illustr...Statistics - World Of Numbersstatistics
Avantika·Feb 11, 2023My relationship with mathematicsHow I improved my relationship with mathematics in a week and you can do the same. I know it is kind of off-topic, but development is done in a local computer whose origins were based on developing a fast calculating device since the manual method of...46 readsMathematics
Karan·Jan 14, 2023Gaussian ReductionTwo simultaneous equations Consider the following system of two simultaneous equations $$\begin{array}{r} & 3a + b = 8 \quad...(1) \\ & a - 2b = 5 \quad...(2) \\ \end{array} $$ We can solve it by multiplying equation (1) by 2 and adding it to equatio...90 readsLinear Algebramatrices·Oct 6, 2022幼儿园到小学算术进度表分享3-10岁数学启蒙的难点在于把握进度,尊重大脑发展规律。有些我们大人觉得很简单,小孩没发育到位就是怎么搞都不行。搞过头了反而导致孩子压力太大,厌学。 这里整理了一个日本公文教育的3-10岁算术进度表,分享给大家。 不过这只是算术,加减乘除只是数学启蒙中的一小部分。 必须记住,真正的数学应该是一个包含空间、想象力、逻辑、几何等的系统。96 readsKids
Saksham·Jun 29, 2022What is Deep Learning ?Here , I'll be discussing what is deep learning and what is the statistics or maths involved in it . So , we all know about Elon Musk and what is he doing to the world by his innovations ! It's the face recognition , self driving car and what's he d...31 likes·81 readsDeep Learning