Ashish·Sep 8, 2022Adding Lottie Files in Your React ApplicationLottie is a neat way of bringing life to any webpage with minimum effort. This tutorial will add a Lottie JSON file to our React Application. But before that Let us understand what are Lottie files. What are Lottie files? A Lottie is a JSON-based ani...22 likes·570 readsReact
Jennifer·Sep 27, 2022How to Add Animated Illustrations to Your React App with Lottie-WebRecently, I needed to use an animated illustration in an empty shopping cart component and came up blank. How do developers do this quickly and effectively? Enter Lottie. Airbnb developed Lottie to enable designers and developers add complex animatio...10 likes·98 readsLottie
AroGeek·Feb 5, 2023Lottie VS Rive.Lottie and Rive are two popular tools for creating animations for mobile and web applications. Both of these tools have their advantages and disadvantages, so choosing one can depend on the specific needs of your project. Lottie is an open-source lib...1 like·40 readsLottie
AroGeek·Feb 5, 2023Lottie VS Rive.Lottie and Rive are two popular tools for creating animations for mobile and web applications. Both of these tools have their advantages and disadvantages, so choosing one can depend on the specific needs of your project. Lottie is an open-source lib...1 like·40 readsLottie
Jennifer·Sep 27, 2022How to Add Animated Illustrations to Your React App with Lottie-WebRecently, I needed to use an animated illustration in an empty shopping cart component and came up blank. How do developers do this quickly and effectively? Enter Lottie. Airbnb developed Lottie to enable designers and developers add complex animatio...10 likes·98 readsLottie
Ashish·Sep 8, 2022Adding Lottie Files in Your React ApplicationLottie is a neat way of bringing life to any webpage with minimum effort. This tutorial will add a Lottie JSON file to our React Application. But before that Let us understand what are Lottie files. What are Lottie files? A Lottie is a JSON-based ani...22 likes·570 readsReact·Aug 9, 2022Add animations to your React projects using LottieFilesIntroduction In this article, we are going to use LottieFiles to add some awesome animations to our React project. Here is what we are going to build 👇 ✅ Live Demo LottieFiles is an incredible platform which provides us with thousands of high quali...95 readsReact·Apr 25, 2020Adding animations to your React project using Lottie.I'm going to be honest, between my day job and my family there is very little time left for me to be building my side projects. That means I have mainly been focusing on functionality, and not so much on the aesthetics of my sites. One of those thing...React