Xtreme Pentestingxtremepentest.hashnode.net·Nov 28, 202212 Practical Grep Command Examples In LinuxIn the Linux command line, the grep command is a powerful tool for searching text within files. In this article, I will go over 12 examples of grep command usage that every Linux user, sysadmin, and developer should be aware of. What it is the Grep c...1 like·398 readsLinux
Satyam Singhsatyams.hashnode.net·Apr 11, 202310 Most Basic Linux Commands & Installation of a Linux Distro on VirtualBox (Guide Resource)In our previous blog, We got introduced to Linux and got to know some basic and must-to-know Terminologies. In this blog, we'll be discussing the 10 most Basic Linux Commands and I'll Provide you with the Installation guide on how to set up a Linux d...1 likeLinux
Temitayo Olorunfemitemitech.hashnode.net·Jul 29, 2022VirtualBoxWHAT IS VIRTUALBOX In simple words, VirtualBox is an hypervisor which allows one to run other Operating Systems (OS) (guests) under a single operating system (host). Meaning If a windows Operating System user needs to use Linux/Unix OS, he or she can...74 readsTemiTech
Satyam Singhsatyams.hashnode.net·Apr 11, 202310 Most Basic Linux Commands & Installation of a Linux Distro on VirtualBox (Guide Resource)In our previous blog, We got introduced to Linux and got to know some basic and must-to-know Terminologies. In this blog, we'll be discussing the 10 most Basic Linux Commands and I'll Provide you with the Installation guide on how to set up a Linux d...1 likeLinux
Xtreme Pentestingxtremepentest.hashnode.net·Nov 28, 202212 Practical Grep Command Examples In LinuxIn the Linux command line, the grep command is a powerful tool for searching text within files. In this article, I will go over 12 examples of grep command usage that every Linux user, sysadmin, and developer should be aware of. What it is the Grep c...1 like·398 readsLinux
Temitayo Olorunfemitemitech.hashnode.net·Jul 29, 2022VirtualBoxWHAT IS VIRTUALBOX In simple words, VirtualBox is an hypervisor which allows one to run other Operating Systems (OS) (guests) under a single operating system (host). Meaning If a windows Operating System user needs to use Linux/Unix OS, he or she can...74 readsTemiTech