Hamees SayedforKubesimplifykubesimplify.hashnode.net·May 26, 2022Linux System Directories ExplainedIntroduction to Linux Linux is an open source operating system that makes it possible for you to play with your computer. It was created in 1991 by a University of Helsinki student, Linus Torvalds. His goal was to create a free version of the MINIX(...113 likes·2.6K readsLinux
Devesh Bdeveshb.hashnode.net·Jun 4, 202115 Linux Basic Terminal Commands Everyone Must Know!Before diving into terminal commands we must know what Linux actually is, there is a lot of misconception among people that Linux is an operating system, but no it is actually a kernel based on UNIX operating system. So the next time if someone menti...87 likes·398 readsLinux
ADITYA DASadityamca123.hashnode.net·Sep 25, 2022Basic to Advance Linux CommandsThe Linux command is a utility of the Linux operating system. All basic and advanced tasks can be done by executing commands. The commands are executed on the Linux terminal. The terminal is a command-line interface to interact with the system, which...22 likes·50 readsHashnode
yash negiyash27.hashnode.net·Apr 24, 2023Linux vs Red Hat Linux: Understanding the Key DifferencesLinux is a popular open-source operating system that is widely used in servers, desktops, and other computing devices. Red Hat Linux is a popular distribution of Linux that is based on the Linux kernel and is specifically designed for enterprise appl...Linux
Satish Sutarsatishsutar-cloud-and-devops.hashnode.net·Apr 20, 2023Linux Kernel Development: An Introduction to Kernel Development and CustomizationIntroduction to Linux Kernel Development Linux is the most popular open-source operating system in the world. It runs on a variety of hardware devices, from servers and desktop computers to mobile devices and embedded systems. The operating system ke...6 likesLinux DiariesLinux
Mukeshmukeshdevops.hashnode.net·Apr 20, 2023Advanced Linux Shell Scripting for DevOps Engineers with User management-Day 51.Write a bash script createDirectories.sh that when the script is executed with three given arguments (one is directory name and second is start number of directories and third is the end number of directories ) it creates specified number of direct...Linux
Anurag Sharmaparashar.hashnode.net·Apr 18, 2023DevOps Tools and Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide to Networking, Linux, and MoreInto OS Memory -RAM=Working Memory UNIX system - Tree file system (C.P.U+Memory+Storage)<-------Kernel------->Device Driver------->I/O Linux Kernel in Linux and Android. Darwin is in MAC and IOS . CLI=Command Line Interface -----> Server Linux File S...26 readsLinux
Mukeshmukeshdevops.hashnode.net·Apr 17, 2023Basic Linux Commands-DAY 3To view what's written in a file. In Linux, you can use the "cat" command to view the contents of a file. To use the "cat" command, open a terminal and type the following command: cat filename Replace "filename" with the name of the file that you ...Linux
Mukeshmukeshdevops.hashnode.net·Apr 16, 2023Basic Linux commandsWhat is Linux? Linux is a free and open-source operating system that was originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. It is based on the Unix operating system and is known for its stability, security, and flexibility. Linux is used by millions of ...Linux
Grace Icaydigracesion.hashnode.net·Apr 14, 2023An Introduction to Linux OSWhat is Linux? Linux is a type of Operating System (OS) that is Free and Open Source, running on the GNU General Public License. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and is based on UNIX. Now, it has evolved to run on a variety of devices includi...Linux
Gurudath K Pgurudath.hashnode.net·Apr 13, 2023Linux Basic CommandsDear friends, this blog is about basic Linux commands. Please take a look and gain some knowledge of Linux commands. 1. Basic Commands #pwd -> It shows the present working directory. #ls -> It shows the available file and directory list in the presen...Linux
Daipayan Adhikaridaipayanadhikari.hashnode.net·Apr 13, 2023Describe System Log ArchitectureRedhat Enterprise Linux uses a standard logging system base on the syslog protocol which is built-in into the system. Many programs use this system to record events and organize them into files. The logs of events are all text files that are kept in ...Devops
Daipayan Adhikaridaipayanadhikari.hashnode.net·Apr 10, 2023Monitoring and Managing Linux ProcessesObjective:- Evaluate and control processes that run on an RHEL system What is Process? A process in running an instance of a launched, executable program. A process consists of: An address space of allocated memory Security properties including ow...Devops