Ishant·Jul 31, 2022WriterAI: A Revolutionary AI Based Content Writing ToolAbout our Team 🤝 I am Ishant. I am a full stack web developer and an android app developer with over 6+ years of programming experience. I also enjoy designing logos, mockups and other UI re...182 likes·2.7K readsPlanetScale
Funyinoluwa·Feb 11, 2023Case Study 1: Full Stack Engineering - Figma, Android, KtorI had the unique opportunity of working on a project from start to finish, with complete independence. This was the first time I've had the opportunity to do this(apart from personal projects), and I was happy because I had the chance to try out a lo...23 likes·396 readsAndroid·Jun 24, 2022Building a chatbot for Twitch in Kotlin with KtorFeatures techydrrroid is my bot that I use to support some interactivity in my streams. techydrrroid supports commands, e.g. !ping, and reacts to Twitch events. It's aware of subs, followers, bits, and channel point redemptions. It also has timers ...375 readsKotlin
Cheick·Mar 12, 2023Packaging Java Applications: Why You Should Use ./gradlew jarAs a freelance developer, you may have come across the two commands ./gradlew run and ./gradlew jar when building and running Java applications. While both commands are useful, using ./gradlew jar to package your application into a JAR file can development
Funyinoluwa·Feb 11, 2023Case Study 1: Full Stack Engineering - Figma, Android, KtorI had the unique opportunity of working on a project from start to finish, with complete independence. This was the first time I've had the opportunity to do this(apart from personal projects), and I was happy because I had the chance to try out a lo...23 likes·396 readsAndroid
Abhishek·Jan 26, 2023Deploying your Ktor app to RailwayI recently had to deploy a Ktor project to Railway for my hobby project. I'll share the how-to through this article. Introduction Ktor is a framework that allows us to build web applications in Kotlin, built and backed by Jetbrains. It's open-source,...204 readsktor·Oct 28, 2022This is how I built a Twitter bot that posts random cat posts from Reddit.⭐Introduction I've always wanted to build a bot that posts something independently with the data. In this case, I've included data from a few subreddits where people post cat images, like r/Catswithjobs, r/catpictures, and r/SupermodelCats. Now, u...27 readsbot
Ishant·Jul 31, 2022WriterAI: A Revolutionary AI Based Content Writing ToolAbout our Team 🤝 I am Ishant. I am a full stack web developer and an android app developer with over 6+ years of programming experience. I also enjoy designing logos, mockups and other UI re...182 likes·2.7K readsPlanetScale·Jun 24, 2022Building a chatbot for Twitch in Kotlin with KtorFeatures techydrrroid is my bot that I use to support some interactivity in my streams. techydrrroid supports commands, e.g. !ping, and reacts to Twitch events. It's aware of subs, followers, bits, and channel point redemptions. It also has timers ...375 readsKotlin
julien·Oct 19, 2021Automatically add the Hacktoberfest tag to all of your GitHub repositoriesTL;DR : Clone this, change the input variables and run I'm sure you know it already, it's #hacktoberfest season! We're welcoming pull requests at Adyen, and we have quite a few repositories. So as any engineer would do, I spent an hour automating so...Kotlin