Jay Wolfewolfejw86.hashnode.net·Jan 30, 2021TDD A MongoDB and NodeJS API With Integration TestsOne thing I find to be a time sink when developing NodeJS APIs is just plain ole getting started. There are so many ways to structure a project with Node, many of which are solid. You have to answer questions out of the gate such as: Am I going to u...36 likes·390 readsNode.js
Rakha Kanz Kautsarrkkautsar.hashnode.net·Nov 25, 2020Testing Koa Server with JestExpress has long been the de facto standard and mainstream pick when you start a project in Node.js. But recently (well, not that recent), the team behind Express has started a new, shiny library called Koa.js with a different phillosophy in mind. W...9 likes·257 readsKoaJS
chenchunaidu maddinenieleven12.hashnode.net·Dec 29, 2022Deploying your node backend [Express / Koa] in AWS LambdaGitHub link: https://github.com/chenchunaidu/koa-lambda-template Why do we need to deploy your node backend application on AWS Lambda? There are many ready-made options like vercel, netlify to deploy frontend applications on the cloud. We also have f...2 likes·43 readsAWS
Juho Viitasalojiv-e.hashnode.net·Jan 9, 2023How to add validation to a custom API in Strapi?Vivek Agarwal wrote a great tutorial for adding custom API endpoints in Strapi. It didn't include any tips for validating the request input. In this tutorial, I will show how to create a pleasant user-friendly API validation experience in Strapi 4. S...387 readsStrapi
chenchunaidu maddinenieleven12.hashnode.net·Dec 29, 2022Deploying your node backend [Express / Koa] in AWS LambdaGitHub link: https://github.com/chenchunaidu/koa-lambda-template Why do we need to deploy your node backend application on AWS Lambda? There are many ready-made options like vercel, netlify to deploy frontend applications on the cloud. We also have f...2 likes·43 readsAWS
Jay Wolfewolfejw86.hashnode.net·Jan 30, 2021TDD A MongoDB and NodeJS API With Integration TestsOne thing I find to be a time sink when developing NodeJS APIs is just plain ole getting started. There are so many ways to structure a project with Node, many of which are solid. You have to answer questions out of the gate such as: Am I going to u...36 likes·390 readsNode.js
Rakha Kanz Kautsarrkkautsar.hashnode.net·Nov 25, 2020Testing Koa Server with JestExpress has long been the de facto standard and mainstream pick when you start a project in Node.js. But recently (well, not that recent), the team behind Express has started a new, shiny library called Koa.js with a different phillosophy in mind. W...9 likes·257 readsKoaJS
Tejas Kaneriyatejaskaneriya.hashnode.net·Sep 16, 2020When to use these Nodejs frameworks? Express, Koa, Nest, Socket.io, Meteor.jsAccording to the Node.js web survey report 2018, Node.js has increased developer productivity by 68%, reduced development costs, and enhanced app performance to a great extent. This is a result of the successful adoption and deployment of node.js fra...227 readsExpress.js
Travis Horntravishorn.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2019API Server with JWT AuthenticationIn this article, I’ll go over how to create an API server that signs and verifies JSON Web Tokens for authentication. Some of the technologies this server uses include Koa, JWTs, Knex, SQLite, and bcrypt. By the end of this article, we’ll have a ful...2.5K readsJavaScript