Anant Singh·Mar 1, 2023Testing Angular Apps with Jasmine and Karma: A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction Unit testing is a critical component of software development, and Angular provides a robust testing framework. The testing framework comprises Jasmine, a popular JavaScript testing library, and Karma, a test runner, that can be used to e...50 likes·54 reads2Articles1Week
Braydon·Oct 28, 2020Mocking Components in AngularAre you a front-end developer using Angular? If yes, you need to be writing unit tests to give you the confidence you need to know that your code is working as intended. This series of articles will cover concepts of unit testing, and show you how to...37 likes·518 readsUnit Testing in Angular2Articles1Week
Marcin·Aug 17, 2022How to Start Unit Testing with JasmineIn my previous article, I showed pseudocode examples of unit testing pure functions. In response to that article, I got an excellent question—so how do I start testing my code then? Let’s take a more practical look at the same, simple case for testin...2 likes·430 readsJavaScript
Anant Singh·Mar 1, 2023Testing Angular Apps with Jasmine and Karma: A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction Unit testing is a critical component of software development, and Angular provides a robust testing framework. The testing framework comprises Jasmine, a popular JavaScript testing library, and Karma, a test runner, that can be used to e...50 likes·54 reads2Articles1Week
Ayush·Feb 25, 2023Getting Started with Jasmine Testing in Angular: A Beginner's GuideAs developers, we all know the importance of testing our code. It's a critical part of the software development process that ensures the functionality and quality of our applications. However, writing tests can often be a daunting task, especially fo...Angular
Dany·Dec 30, 2022Exploring the Uses of Mocks and Spies in Unit TestingA few days ago, my friend was writing tests for an Angular App with two dependencies and wanted to test his code. I suggested that he should Spy and Mock the dependencies. When deciding whether to use a Mock or a Spy, it is important to consider the ...2.1K readstestingTesting
sunil·Dec 3, 2022Guide to setup webdriverIO with typescript and run a sample testWebdriverIO is an advanced automation framework for web and mobile application. It’s basically a wrapper on top of selenium (WebDriver protocol with nodeJS) for web automation and wrapper on top of appium for mobile application. WebDriverIO is termed...49
Marcin·Aug 17, 2022How to Start Unit Testing with JasmineIn my previous article, I showed pseudocode examples of unit testing pure functions. In response to that article, I got an excellent question—so how do I start testing my code then? Let’s take a more practical look at the same, simple case for testin...2 likes·430 readsJavaScript
Sunny·Aug 8, 2022Creating and test components in Angularcreating a component ng g c components/posts --skip-tests This line will not generate the test file. We will make it later. This component will try to get the posts and delete the posts. Code of the postComponent is given below: export class PostsCom...26 readsTesting
Sunny·Jul 30, 2022Writing First Unit test in JasmineNOTE: This is a continuation of Unit Testing-Introduction and Setup for Jasmine Some Terminologies to understand Before, we write the first unit test, we have to work on understanding some terminologies and naming conventions. We will be writing the ...jasmine
Sunny·Jul 29, 2022Unit Testing-Introduction and Setup for JasmineJasmine is a JS Unit testing framework What is Unit testing? Testing individual units of code is called Unit testing. So, what is Unit? unit is the smallest testable part of our code. Why we need Unit testing? It brings more trust by having the evi...jasmine
Hugh·Feb 12, 2022Visual regression testing with WebdriverIO, Jasmine and AllureWe have recently started using the Visual Regression Testing Service, and I thought I would share how we incorporate it in our test automation. It's quite straightforward to capture an image, then run the test again and perform an assertion, checkin...626 readsTesting
Aakash·Jan 9, 2022Simple configuration hacks to improve unit test case performance using Jasmine and Karma in AngularMake use of Headless Chrome Headless Chrome is a way to run the Chrome browser in a headless environment without the full browser UI. One of the benefits of using Headless Chrome (as opposed to testing directly in Node) is that your JavaScript tests ...1.4K readsAngular