Alberto·Jan 15, 2023A Tale of Object-Oriented Programming: A Realistic Look at Python InterfacesIn this series of articles, we are going to be talking about interfaces in Python. Interfaces are a powerful resource to use in several real-life scenarios. Because of that, we are going to approach learning them by using an example that is very like...Alessandro Surace and 2 others are discussing this3 people are discussing thisDiscuss·39 likes·828 readsTales of Coding 📝Python
Matías·Mar 22, 2023FeaturedThe Bigger the Interface, The Weaker the AbstractionThe Coder's Proverbs is a series where I summarize some lessons and principles I've learned over my career by using a memorable and simple saying of wisdom. In previous articles, we have been talking a bit about abstractions: specifically, how to de...Discuss·38 likes·171 readsThe Coder's Proverbscomposition
Matías·Mar 30, 2023Interfacing is DecouplingThe Coder's Proverbs is a series where I summarize some lessons and principles I've learned over my career by using a memorable and simple saying of wisdom. I think this is one of the most incredible inventions on earth. I'm not talking about the U...Discuss·4 likes·35 readsThe Coder's ProverbsSOLID principles
Manik·Apr 24, 2023Designing a Car in Java (Interfaces Explained)Today we will design a car in Java by using Interfaces. Firstly I should define What interface is and How to use it. As we know that in Java we cannot have two parent classes of a single child class, having two parent is called Multiple Inheritance. ...Discusskunalkushwaha
Matías·Apr 3, 2023Naming Interfaces in PHP, Java, et al.I've written about this already in a previous post, but I think it deserves a post of its own. I think it is time we stop appending the word Interface to our interfaces name. It is just completely unnecessary. The same goes for anything similar: prep...DiscussPet Peevesnaming
Matías·Mar 30, 2023Interfacing is DecouplingThe Coder's Proverbs is a series where I summarize some lessons and principles I've learned over my career by using a memorable and simple saying of wisdom. I think this is one of the most incredible inventions on earth. I'm not talking about the U...Discuss·4 likes·35 readsThe Coder's ProverbsSOLID principles
Matías·Mar 22, 2023FeaturedThe Bigger the Interface, The Weaker the AbstractionThe Coder's Proverbs is a series where I summarize some lessons and principles I've learned over my career by using a memorable and simple saying of wisdom. In previous articles, we have been talking a bit about abstractions: specifically, how to de...Discuss·38 likes·171 readsThe Coder's Proverbscomposition
Emmanuel·Feb 4, 2023Differences between Types alias and Interface in TypeScript.TS is basically a language built on JavaScript to make the latter strongly typed.Strongly types mean you adhere to a strict way of writing code, which gives more security or type safety, and reduces errors, although it involves writing more code, you...Discuss·1 like·30 readsTypes
Shubham·Jan 26, 2023Interfaces in TypeScriptLast article, we talked about TypeScript classes, how to use them effectively, and all of the fundamental concepts associated with them. In this article, we’ll create interfaces, learn how to use them, explore the differences between normal types and...Discuss·1 like·257 readsTypeScript 101Interfaces
Alberto·Jan 15, 2023A Tale of Object-Oriented Programming: A Realistic Look at Python InterfacesIn this series of articles, we are going to be talking about interfaces in Python. Interfaces are a powerful resource to use in several real-life scenarios. Because of that, we are going to approach learning them by using an example that is very like...Alessandro Surace and 2 others are discussing this3 people are discussing thisDiscuss·39 likes·828 readsTales of Coding 📝Python
Shreyansh·Jan 6, 2023Types vs Interfaces in TypescriptHere is a million-dollar question from the mouth of every aspiring typescript developer like myself is that "What is the difference between Types and Interfaces?" Well, worry no more because this article comes to rescue all of you from this wild west...Discuss·52 readsTypes
Dulitha·Dec 21, 2022SOLID Design Principles: Interface Segregation PrincipleSo, today we are going to talk about the fourth principle in SOLID design principles. It is called Interface Segregation Principle. First of all, let's see what is an Interface. What is an Interface? The interface is a blueprint of a class which has ...Discuss·35 readsDesign Principles 101SOLID principles
Vlad·Nov 15, 2022What Are Interfaces in TypeScript?Similarly to Type Aliases, TypeScript's Interfaces provide us a medium to avoid code duplication across our TypeScript codebases. If we were to look at the alternative way of defining types, we would find ourselves defining and redefining types inlin...Discuss·33 readsInterfaces