·Jul 15, 2021Set up Inertia, Vite, Vue3, TypeScript / Build our first PageUpdated version for Laravel 10 / Twill 3 on Apr 14, 2023 Front-end tools installation Laravel comes with a default package.json file to build the front-end assets and already integrates Vite and the Laravel Vite packages. We can now install all the ...35 likes·9.1K readsLaravel / Twill / Inertia / Vite / Vue3 Composition API / TypeScript / TailwindVue.js
wang xiao bo·Oct 15, 2022How to integrate a front-end framework into a Ruby on Rails projectI have many years of experience in front-end development and am currently on my way to full stack, choosing Ruby on rails as my full-stack framework. Although since the arrival of rails7 last year, hotwire can be said to shine on rails. I want to use...8 likes·71 readsruby on rails Ruby on Rails
Simon (Sai)·Feb 9, 2023Build Web Fullstack Apps with DIRT: Django, Inertia, React & Tailwind CSS aka D.I.R.T StackLately, I've been digging into (🙃) the world of InertiaJs so, here’s a mini guide on how to get Tailwind CSS working in your Django + InertiaJs + React (Vite) project. Since there are so many “stacks” out there already, I figured, let’s just make on...2 likes·184 readsDjango·Apr 17, 2023Application level improvementsLayouts For the moment, we have just one Twill module with one Inertia page, but we will probably have more page templates with different modules in our application (home, blog, portfolio, contact, customer account, ...). It may be a good idea to cre...32 readsLaravel / Twill / Inertia / Vite / Vue3 Composition API / TypeScript / TailwindInertia.js·Apr 14, 2023Twill, Inertia and Vue improvementsWe will use our previous PageContent module to make some improvements. Props optimization When Inertia renders a Page, all the props are JSON encoded in a data-page attribute of the root div. So, when we add the $item to Inertia in our App Controller...40 readsLaravel / Twill / Inertia / Vite / Vue3 Composition API / TypeScript / TailwindLaravel
Tapan·Apr 12, 2023How to Setup Laravel with Svelte, Inertia.js, and Vite | Tutorial (2023)Setting up Laravel with Inertia.js should be straightforward, but it's not the same if you want to install it with Svelte. While implementing it myself, I faced some issues which I'm sure you're gonna face as well. And that's the reason I decided to ...Laravel
Tijani·Feb 16, 2023Customizing error pages in Laravel with Vuejs and InertiajsLaravel has already done a great job by providing simplistic and generating error pages that show the status code of the error with a message on the page. Still, in some cases, this is not enough and users who have an idea of the Laravel error page c...98 readserror handling
Abdallah·Feb 13, 2023Image upload system in Laravel and Vue.jsThe combination of Laravel 9 and Vue.js 3 provides a powerful platform for building modern web applications. One of the most common requirements for web apps is the ability to upload images. In this article, we will explain the steps necessary to upl...173 readsLaravelLaravel
Simon (Sai)·Feb 9, 2023Build Web Fullstack Apps with DIRT: Django, Inertia, React & Tailwind CSS aka D.I.R.T StackLately, I've been digging into (🙃) the world of InertiaJs so, here’s a mini guide on how to get Tailwind CSS working in your Django + InertiaJs + React (Vite) project. Since there are so many “stacks” out there already, I figured, let’s just make on...2 likes·184 readsDjango·Dec 7, 2022Laravel Auth HandbookLaravel UI composer require laravel/ui //Then select the boardplate you like php artisan ui bootstrap --auth php artisan ui vue --auth php artisan ui react --auth npm install npm run dev php artisan migrate Laravel Breeze Install Breeze with Blade...38 readsLaravel
Aanchal GoyalforGeekyAnts Tech·Nov 22, 2022Installing Inertia - React in Laravel ProjectInertia ships with official server-side adapters for Laravel. In this article, we will install Inertia.js in Laravel with React.js. First, we will perform server-side installation and then continue with the client-side installation. Step 1 - Install ...257 readsInertia.js
wang xiao bo·Oct 15, 2022How to integrate a front-end framework into a Ruby on Rails projectI have many years of experience in front-end development and am currently on my way to full stack, choosing Ruby on rails as my full-stack framework. Although since the arrival of rails7 last year, hotwire can be said to shine on rails. I want to use...8 likes·71 readsruby on rails Ruby on Rails
Vlad·Oct 4, 2022Configuring Server-Side Rendering In A Laravel + Vue + Inertia ProjectUpdate. Code snippets updated to use Inertia.js 1.0. My last article provided a detailed step-by-step guide about adding Vue.js and Inertia.js to a Laravel project. All is good, but here is one little problem. It renders pages using JavaScript, and i...588 readsLaravel