Siddhi·Dec 4, 2022How to run CUDA and OpenMP code on Google ColaboratoryAs a Computer Science student, I was excited to learn about the possibilities of using Google Colab's free cloud platform to run my CUDA and OpenMP code. However, when I tried to use Colab to run my CUDA and OpenMP-accelerated code, I encountered a n...27 likes·461 readsopenmp
Nouman·Sep 4, 2022Introduction to Machine Learning ecosystem!What is Machine Learning? Machine learning is a field of inquiry devoted to understanding and building methods that 'learn', that is, methods that leverage data to improve performance on some set of tasks. It is simply the process of computing the be...10 likes·79 readsMachine Learning
Shuaib B.·Feb 22, 2023Exploring the Latest Features in Google Colab: Data Tables, Dataframe Formatting, and Example.Exploring the Latest Features in Google Colab: Data Tables, Dataframe Formatting, and Example. On February 22, 2023, in our data analysis class, I explained the importance of Google colab, PANDAS function, and the basic of data preparation functions....1 likeData Science
Nikhil·Mar 25, 2023How to setup a Hugging Face model (Stable Diffusion)?What is HuggingFace? Hugging Face is a company and an open-source software library that specializes in natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning technologies. The company is based in New York and was founded in 2016. The Hugging Face librar...93 readshuggingface
Shuaib B.·Feb 22, 2023Exploring the Latest Features in Google Colab: Data Tables, Dataframe Formatting, and Example.Exploring the Latest Features in Google Colab: Data Tables, Dataframe Formatting, and Example. On February 22, 2023, in our data analysis class, I explained the importance of Google colab, PANDAS function, and the basic of data preparation functions....1 likeData Science·Jan 17, 2023How to build Regression Models?Regression is a method that is used to analyze and understand the relationship between two or more variables of interest. It helps to analyse how one variable is influencing the output. You have got two types of variables that are been used in Machin...51 readsData Science
Mohamad·Dec 10, 2022Working With Pandas DataFrame On COLABPandas DataFrame is a two-dimensional, size-mutable, tabular data which may contain labeled rows and columns. DataFrame is useful for tabular data manipulation. The class syntax includes four parameters that are the data, index, columns, data type an...35 readscolabPython
Mohamad·Dec 8, 2022Working with Database Servers on COLABCreate sample dataframe import pandas as pd from io import StringIO SAMPLEDATA = StringIO(''' tweet_id,sentiment,author,content 1956967341,"empty","xoshayzers","@tiffanylue i know i was listenin to bad habit earlier and i started freakin at his part...100 readscolabGoogle Colab
Siddhi·Dec 4, 2022How to run CUDA and OpenMP code on Google ColaboratoryAs a Computer Science student, I was excited to learn about the possibilities of using Google Colab's free cloud platform to run my CUDA and OpenMP code. However, when I tried to use Colab to run my CUDA and OpenMP-accelerated code, I encountered a n...27 likes·461 readsopenmp
Muhammad IhsanforHimpasikom Learning·Nov 26, 20227 Sintaks Markdown yang Sering Digunakan di Google ColabGoogle Colab memiliki 2 jenis format penulisan, kode dan teks. Teks pada Google Colab memiliki format berupa Markdown. Pada artikel ini akan dibahas terkait perintah-perintah yang mungkin akan sering kita gunakan ketika bekerja dengan teks pada Googl...54 readsmarkdown
Shantala·Oct 17, 2022Web Apps with Python - Gradio(Image by storyset on Freepik) Let's have a look at the Python library Gradio, a great way to build user interfaces to demo your machine learning or data science apps. I'll also show you how to build and deploy them completely in the cloud! (Check ou...155 readsPython
Shantala·Sep 25, 2022Web Apps with Python - Dash(Image by Freepik) Let's have a look at the Python library Dash. You can use it to build elaborate web apps with dashboards, dropdowns, sliders, text input, date pickers, etc. And you can build and deploy them completely in the cloud! (Check out my o...1 like·180 readsPython
Nouman·Sep 4, 2022Introduction to Machine Learning ecosystem!What is Machine Learning? Machine learning is a field of inquiry devoted to understanding and building methods that 'learn', that is, methods that leverage data to improve performance on some set of tasks. It is simply the process of computing the be...10 likes·79 readsMachine Learning