Rudraksh·Apr 8, 2023Building a Web Server using GO and GinIntroduction Hello 👋 This blog documents my process of building a web server with Go and Gin. For those of you who have no idea what a web server is: It is simply a server that receives requests (mostly HTTP/HTTPS) from a client and sends back an ap...13 likes·196 readsGo Language
Rwitesh·Oct 11, 2022Getting Started Backend Development with GoLangGo, (also known as GoLang) is a compiled, statically typed, fast and high-performance programming language created by Google developers who were unhappy with the C, C++, Java and all the languages that failed to manage large network servers. Go is an...2 likes·467 readsGo Language
Yusuf·Feb 8, 2023Creating a Scalable API with Go, Gin, and MongoDB AtlasIntroduction Go, also known as Golang, is a programming language created by Google that is easy to use, fast and efficient. It is great for web development, and it is also highly scalable and efficient. It allows for concurrent execution and efficien...2 likes·487 readsGo Language
Andre·Apr 22, 2023IOT Home application Part 2setting up Go and initial files Golang can be installed through the official website. I will be using Go version 1.19. Once Go is installed, we can set up our backend project structure. Create our backend folder and initialize our backend workspace w...golang
Rudraksh·Apr 8, 2023Building a Web Server using GO and GinIntroduction Hello 👋 This blog documents my process of building a web server with Go and Gin. For those of you who have no idea what a web server is: It is simply a server that receives requests (mostly HTTP/HTTPS) from a client and sends back an ap...13 likes·196 readsGo Language
Yusuf·Mar 28, 2023Creating a Scalable API with Go, Gin, and MongoDB IIIn the previous tutorial, you learned about setting up your project using a package-oriented design for integrations and setting up the database for user interactions. Now that you have the foundation in place, you can focus on making changes and add...1 like·127 readsREST API
Abdulrahman·Mar 22, 2023Leveraging MinIO, Golang and Gin for a High-performance Analytics API.Outline Introduction Setting up the Golang project: Create a new directory for the project and navigate to it. Initialize a new Go module. Install the required dependencies. Creating a MinIO Server: Installing MinIO with Homebrew. Ensure that ...40 readsAPIs
Arsham·Mar 10, 2023Trying to shut down a gin server... (goroutines and channels tips)Sometimes I write about specific real-world problems I faced at work in the past.In this article, I was trying to gracefully shut down my gin server and start it again through the application itself, without re-running my application. I learned some ...1 like·37 readsGo Language
Yusuf·Feb 8, 2023Creating a Scalable API with Go, Gin, and MongoDB AtlasIntroduction Go, also known as Golang, is a programming language created by Google that is easy to use, fast and efficient. It is great for web development, and it is also highly scalable and efficient. It allows for concurrent execution and efficien...2 likes·487 readsGo Language
Exploding·Jan 16, 2023Going for a rideSo this morning I went for a bike ride (not really, it was raining, but bear with me) and now I want to log it in SpinTrack®. But we can only get existing activities and we have no existing activities. So let's create our bike ride POST request with ...43 readshttp
Rwitesh·Oct 11, 2022Getting Started Backend Development with GoLangGo, (also known as GoLang) is a compiled, statically typed, fast and high-performance programming language created by Google developers who were unhappy with the C, C++, Java and all the languages that failed to manage large network servers. Go is an...2 likes·467 readsGo Language·Aug 24, 2022Golang : gin tutorial - 5 (Create a global error handler)Now that we know how to write few basic endpoints such as GET, POST (JSON consumption), POST (multipart/form-data). We have seen that there are situations where we return an error and we need to return the error in the API response body so that the A...41 readsGolang : Create RESTful API using Golang's gin-gonicgolang·Aug 22, 2022Golang : gin tutorial - 3 (Create a POST request)In the previous article we created a GET endpoint using golang's gin framework. In this article we are going to see how to create a POST request endpoint golang's gin http framework. Step 1 Create a struct called content in a file model.go in the con...60 readsGolang : Create RESTful API using Golang's gin-gonicgolang