·Nov 6, 2020FeaturedOne Mistake I Made With Tailwind CSS That Cost Me 140KBHere's how things went down: I finished developing a CSS game (Flex Box Adventure) using Gatsby. Deployed it to Netlify. Shared it with folks on Twitter and said, “Share your feedback with me.” Went to sleep. Woke up. Opened Twitter DMs. Saw this me...128 likes·2.8K readsBeginner Developers
Yogesh·Feb 7, 2021ConfCube - Virtual Tech Event's Social Network 🔥Hi 👋, I'm Yogesh Yadav. I'm a self-taught full-stack developer. Before this project, I was only following tutorials on the web and never made an end-to-end real-world project on my own. I decided to choose #vercelhashnode as a great opportunity to c...86 likes·707 readsVercel Hashnode Hackathon
Suprabha·Aug 14, 2021How to Build Blog Using Gatsby 💻What is Gatsby? 🤔 Gatsby is a React based, GraphQL powered, static site generator. It uses powerful pre-configuration to build a website that uses only static files for incredibly fast page loads, service workers, code splitting, server-side render...80 likes·833 readsJavaScriptJavaScript
David·Apr 20, 2023Build your own Gatsby blog templateIn this tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of building your very own Gatsby blog template from scratch. You'll be able to create a performant and modern blog that is fully customizable, and you'll also gain valuable web development skills t...Gatsby
David·Apr 18, 2023How to create a no-code Gatsby CMS blog on Netlify for FREEYou can check out my demo link: Gatsby Blog Theme or if you are curious, take a look at my code repo. Starting a blog can be an intimidating task at first, especially if you are not decided yet and you don't want to pay for hosting services. Maybe if...10 likesGatsby·Apr 3, 2023Next.js Alternatives: Popular Front-End Meta-Frameworks ComparisonFront-end development has changed dramatically in the past decades – from Ajax and applets to WordPress to frameworks like React. Now, if you plan to create a web app, you must conduct extensive research to determine which stack, frameworks, and meta...Next.js
Jawara·Mar 11, 2023Making a Coding Project Your OwnThere’s an ongoing debate in the tech community surrounding cloned coding projects or projects that are heavily inspired by the work of others. Some people say this is a form of copying, similar to how you can trace the work of an illustrator, leavin...Coding Projects
Chop·Feb 27, 2023How to Build a Blog with Gatsby: A Beginner's GuideIntroduction Gatsby is a popular open-source framework for building fast and modern websites and applications. At its core, Gatsby uses React and GraphQL to generate static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that can be deployed to any hosting provider....10 likes·46 readsGatsby
Prayas·Feb 14, 2023Frustrated with the slow create react app? Try these fast alternatives instead..When we're using "npx create-react-app", the npx always uses the latest version so it downloads packages each time you want to create new app. Here NPX is a package runner that comes with npm, allows you to run executables from packages (here create-...110 readsReact
Zoltán Szőgyé·Feb 9, 2023How to install Tailwind CSS with Gatsby and FlowbiteGatsby is a popular open-source static site generator framework built on top of Node.js, React, and GraphQL that allows you to build websites using content sources such as Markdown, MDX and leverages other headless CMS technologies such as WordPress,...1 like·30 readsGatsby
Omar·Feb 4, 2023Streamlining Content Management with Gatsby and Cockpit CMSGatsby is a modern, blazing fast, and static site generator built using React. It is a great tool for building fast and secure websites with a smooth and dynamic user experience. The reason why Gatsby is so popular among web developers is that it all...33 readsProgrammingGatsby
Scofield·Jan 20, 2023Building a Serverless Web Application with Static-Site-Generator Like GatsbyBuilding a serverless web application with a static site generator like Gatsby can be a great way to create a fast and scalable website. In this article, we'll walk through setting up and deploying a serverless Gatsby site, using AWS Amplify as our h...26 readsserverless
Ahmadullah·Jan 2, 2023How to filter allMarkdownRemark by folder (Gatsby and GraphQl){ resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { name: `pages`, path: `${__dirname}/src/pages/`, }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { name: `posts`, path: `${__dirname}/src/posts/`, }, }, Here, the nam...Gatsby