Bolaji·Feb 3, 2019FeaturedManipulating Arrays in JavaScriptArrays have become an important part of any programming language. In this article, I would show you various methods of manipulating arrays in JavaScript [^^] What are Arrays in JavaScript? Before we proceed, you need to understand what arrays reall...60 likes·823 readsJavaScript
Yousaf·Feb 24, 2021"super" in Javascript: An In-Depth GuideIntroduction With the introduction of ES2015, Javascript introduced the class syntax that uses traditional prototypal inheritance under the hood but provides a more robust and declarative way of writing object-oriented code. When working with inheri...37 likes·722 readsJavaScript
Saketh·Aug 13, 2021Learn Javascript array methods with the help of emojis//Concat ['🏋🏻♂️', '🏃🏻'].concat('🧘🏻') = [ '🏋🏻♂️', '🏃🏻', '🧘🏻' ] //Join ['🤴🏻', '👸🏻'].join('💍') = '🤴🏻💍👸🏻' //Slice ['😭', '😶', '😀'].slice(2)= [ '😀' ] //Index of ['0️⃣', '1️⃣', '2️⃣', '3️⃣'].indexOf('1️⃣') = 1 //Includes ['0...20 likes·116 readsJavaScript
Badreddine·Mar 27, 2023Eight(8) ES6(ECMAScript 6) features that you need to know before learning ReactIntroduction ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, is the sixth version of the ECMAScript language specification. ECMAScript is a standardized scripting language specification on which many programming languages, including JavaScript, are based. ES6 wa...1 likeReact
Aryan·Feb 14, 2023Let vs Var vs CosntVar Before the advent of ES6, var declarations ruled. There are issues associated with variables declared with var, though. That is why it was necessary for new ways to declare variables to emerge. First, let's get to understand var more before we di...1 likeWeb Development
Damue Brandon·Feb 2, 2023Understanding the Spread Operator(...) in JavaScriptIn today's episode of talking about awesome JavaScript features, we are going to turn our attention to the Spread operator(...) or Spread syntax. At the end of this article, you'll find a curated list of the links to other articles I have written in ...34 readsJavaScript
Alvison·Aug 10, 2022Basic array operations combining Map, Filter & Reduce in JavaScriptHowdy Folks! Hope all is good with thee today. Nowadays, it is hard to be coding without applying functional programming concepts to our code, which makes it more readable, maintainable and testable. A very common and popular mindset in the modern wo...112 readsJavaScript
Kayden·Nov 12, 2021JavaScript: A Full IntroductionThe World Wide Web's Magical Spawn JavaScript - the language that has spurred pure mania into many developers since it's introduction in 1995 by Brendan Eich. Written in about a week and a half, the original version was called LiveScript - it's purpo...2 likes·211 readsJavaScript
Godswill·Sep 6, 2021How JavaScript gets MaintainedJavaScript JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. Javascript is different because there isn't a single JS package to download and install on your computer. Rather the implementat...253 readsecmascript
Jan Vladimir·Aug 21, 2021Exploring new ways of building ultra-performant WEB applicationsA new generation of JavaScript frameworks / libraries are using ES6 template literals to achieve very performant DOM update cycles. One such library is uhtml The interesting part that I want to highlight is the html function: html`<h1>Hello ${first...115 readsJavaScript
Saketh·Aug 20, 2021Currying in javascript!!What is currying ? Currying is an advanced technique of working with functions. It is a transformation of functions that translates a function from callable as f(x, y, x) into callable as f(x)(y)(z). Example : //Normal function function add(x, y){ ...123 readsJavaScript
Saketh·Aug 13, 2021Learn Javascript array methods with the help of emojis//Concat ['🏋🏻♂️', '🏃🏻'].concat('🧘🏻') = [ '🏋🏻♂️', '🏃🏻', '🧘🏻' ] //Join ['🤴🏻', '👸🏻'].join('💍') = '🤴🏻💍👸🏻' //Slice ['😭', '😶', '😀'].slice(2)= [ '😀' ] //Index of ['0️⃣', '1️⃣', '2️⃣', '3️⃣'].indexOf('1️⃣') = 1 //Includes ['0...20 likes·116 readsJavaScript
Vivek·Aug 7, 2021#1: Getting started with ES6This article will give you a quick introduction to some of the commonly used ES6 features. Here's the list of all the ES6 features : Arrows Classes Enhanced object literals Template strings Destructuring Default + rest + spread Let + const Iterator...2 likes·118 readsES6