Sunday·Sep 13, 2022Rounding off GSOC'22: Android SDK Tool in DebianI am excited to share a summary of my experience, learning , challenges and progess in the 2022 Google Summer of Code with Debian. Debian maintains a huge repository of Android SDK packages through the Debian Android Tools Team. The work in this roun...11 likes·83 readsopensource·Jun 4, 2022Introducing MichaelWho am I? :) Short version: Hello, my name is Michael, and I am a third-year Computer Science student living in Nigeria. Longer version: Often, a question like this is seemingly straightforward, yet so complex to answer. Its answer encompasses one...7 likes·230 readsoutreachy
Rabie·Jun 26, 2022How to Install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS DesktopIntroduction Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) was released on April 21, 2022. It’s a Long-Term Support (LTS) release, meaning that it will receive support and updates until April 2026. This tutorial will assist you in setting up Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on you...4 likes·119 readsLinux BasicsUbuntu
Mikael·Mar 30, 2023Django how to set up Apache to run with virtualhostPrerequisites Django and python need to be already installed on the server Set up the django environment The first we need to do is to set up our Django environment then we need to set up a virtual environment where we can install Django. In there we...apache·Mar 27, 2023From Source Code to .deb Package: A Tutorial for Linux Package Management📔 Introduction Disclaimer: This is not necessarily the optimal or best way to build a .deb package. It may be messy, but it's the workaround I've found and will be demonstrating here. A .deb file in Linux is a package format developed for the Debi...52 readsdebian·Mar 26, 2023How To Install the Apache Web Server on Debian 11Apache is a free and open-source HTTP web server that is the go-to choice for people looking to host a website on the internet. The Apache server is cross-platform, efficient, and is also extensible through its tons of loadable modules. In this strai...Linux·Mar 16, 2023Debian + AwesomeWM: A tourScreenshots! Specifications 🌸 Distro: Debian 11 (Bullseye) Wallpapers: Click here Tiling WM: AwesomeWM DE: Gnome Sound control: pulsemixer Editors: neovide Terminals: Kitty Bar: Wibar (default) Compositor: Picom Prompt: Starship Configur...29 readsrice
Shawn·Feb 26, 2023Handy Links for Establishing a Debian Development EnvironmentEssential Software Every Software Developer Needs I'm trying to keep my posts short, but if you want to learn more about a particular topic, I'd be happy to provide more information. Before doing anything, update apt-get and install the build-essenti...33 readsDeveloper Tools·Feb 18, 2023How to Set up Git in 3 StepsDownload Git by running the following command on your terminal: $ sudo apt-get install git To confirm whether your download was successful, run: $ git --version Here's the output I got on my PC: Set your username for every repository on your comp...45 readsGitHub·Jan 30, 2023List of Linux Commands Red Hat-based &Debian-based Linux distributionsHere is a list of commonly used commands for Red Hat-based Linux distributions: yum: Package manager for Red Hat-based distributions rpm: Package management tool for Red Hat-based distributions systemctl: Service management tool for system service...33 readsLinux
Reto·Jan 20, 2023Flightradar24 - amd64 Debian repoAs I couldn't find this information on the internet and had to figure it out myself I'm posting this info here for search engines to be able to pick it up: If you run flightradar24 on a regular Debian VM as I do you might have asked yourself what the...153 readsaviation
Sandra·Jan 14, 2023What is Debian Packaging?In simple words, Debian packaging involves making computer software available for Debian distribution. This allows us to install, uninstall, upgrade or configure the software or package in Debian. This is also informally known as the act of debianizi...2 likes·47 readsdebian
Charanjeet·Jan 8, 2023Install php8.1-gd on Debian SystemIf you are facing any issues with installing php-gd library on your system then you are at the right place to find the solution. Just follow me for the steps to install gd library. It is not as easy as installing other extensions of php because it de...109 readsphpgd