Piyushapiyusha.hashnode.net·Apr 5, 2021How To Integrate Cucumber With Jenkins?Cucumber is an open-source BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) testing tool for automation testing of web applications. It remains to be one of the best frameworks for functional and acceptance testing. This is because of its widespread adoption in the...11 likes·70 readsJenkins
Chriskristijan-pajtasev.hashnode.net·Dec 12, 2022Selenium vs Cucumber: Core DifferencesTesting is very important when it comes to software development. It not only helps you ensure that the code you develop is working correctly, but also that it did not break the existing code. If you are working on web applications, you probably have ...10 likes·84 readsUI TestingCucumber
Mike Mitchellmikemitchelluva2015.hashnode.net·Mar 2, 2023Introduction to KarateHave you ever wanted to use JavaScript or execute code from within your Cucumber feature files? Or wished for a simpler way to test REST endpoints without an additional Java test class for handling these calls? Enter Karate, a test-automation framewo...7 likes·39 reads#karate
Devendra Nagpuredevendra43.hashnode.net·Mar 30, 2023BDD Cucumber: A Guide to Understanding Behavior-Driven DevelopmentIn today's fast-paced world, software development is constantly evolving, and new approaches and methodologies are emerging to help developers create better software. One such methodology that has gained popularity in recent years is Behavior-Driven ...Cucumber
Mike Mitchellmikemitchelluva2015.hashnode.net·Mar 2, 2023Introduction to KarateHave you ever wanted to use JavaScript or execute code from within your Cucumber feature files? Or wished for a simpler way to test REST endpoints without an additional Java test class for handling these calls? Enter Karate, a test-automation framewo...7 likes·39 reads#karate
Chriskristijan-pajtasev.hashnode.net·Dec 12, 2022Selenium vs Cucumber: Core DifferencesTesting is very important when it comes to software development. It not only helps you ensure that the code you develop is working correctly, but also that it did not break the existing code. If you are working on web applications, you probably have ...10 likes·84 readsUI TestingCucumber
Roselyne Makenaroselynemakena.hashnode.net·Jul 6, 2022How To Implement Data Tables In Cucumber Using Selenium RubyData tables can be used when you have data in a range of cells and want to iterate over the cells in order. Data tables generally have a header row that includes column headers and then rows of data. There are many reasons to use a data table when te...35 readsTesting
Manuel Serafin Bugarinelser.hashnode.net·Jul 4, 2022Setup Guide for API Testing with Cucumber-js and PactumJSFor this blog, I'll be sharing a step-by-step guide to setting up Cucumber-js and PactumJS for API testing. Cucumber Firstly, why cucumber? Cucumber has been around for many years now and it is well known for its Gherkin syntax. If you are not famili...1.0K readsJavaScript
Takshak Ramteketakshakramteke.hashnode.net·Jul 1, 2022🧪 E2E tests made easy with Cypress + CucumberIf you're a developer I'm pretty sure end to end testing is something you've heard about a lot While it may “sound” like daunting task at first what if i tell you that there is a relatively easy way to implement it… Feature : Test redirection Scena...35 readsCypress
Aloalo.hashnode.net·Mar 28, 2022An introduction to Double Loop - BDD + TDDIn this series of articles, we will explore a very powerful development technique: Double Loop TDD. In this first article, we will explore the outer loop, BDD: Behaviour Driven Development But for now, forget about Double Loop for a second, and let's...66 readsbdd
Gunjan Kaushikgunjankaushik.hashnode.net·Aug 10, 2021How To Use Annotations In Cucumber Framework [Tutorial]Cucumber is one of the most popular open-source BDD frameworks that facilitates Selenium test automation. It offers a set of tools that helps us to manage the various scenarios available in multiple feature files. We have already seen how to configur...82 readsTesting
Harita Ravindranathharitar.hashnode.net·Jun 28, 2021How To Perform Automation Testing With Cucumber And Nightwatch JS?One of the key features of the agile way of software development is the combination of DevOps and automation testing. Test automation speeds up the testing cycle, aids in detecting bugs at an early stage, and helps in handling repetitive, time-consum...1 like·36 readsJavaScript
Piyushapiyusha.hashnode.net·Apr 5, 2021How To Integrate Cucumber With Jenkins?Cucumber is an open-source BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) testing tool for automation testing of web applications. It remains to be one of the best frameworks for functional and acceptance testing. This is because of its widespread adoption in the...11 likes·70 readsJenkins