Viraj·Jun 26, 2022Basics Of ArduinoWHAT IS ARDUINO? The Arduino is an open-source easy-to-use hardware and software platform used to build electronics projects. It was designed for artists, designers, and others who want to incorporate physical computing into their designs without hav...151 likes·680 readsarduino·Jul 9, 2021My IOT based projectWith regards to our friends and family, we generally need to remain them sound and fit. Yet, what will occur in the event that they get sick and neglect to take medication on schedule. We would be stressed, correct? At clinics, there are numerous pat...87 likes·134 readsarduino
Johnny·Mar 14, 2023FeaturedA vanilla Typescript app for robotic camera controlI have been researching ESP32 microcontrollers and their applications for IoT and found quite an interesting development board with a built-in camera module called ESP32-CAM. This $7 device also ships with integrated Bluetooth, WiFi, a few sensors, a...56 likes·395 readsTypeScript
Leonid·Apr 19, 2023Automated code coverage reports for PlatformIO with GitHub Actions.A funny thing happened yesterday: I've just merged my ranch with code coverage reports for my project with PlatformIO, opened Twitter to tweet about it, and precisely at that moment, PlatformIO themselves posted their own blog post! https://twitter.c...41 readsarduino
Harveer·Apr 9, 2023How to Make Local Web Server Using MicroPython on ESP32Introduction Are you ready to explore the fascinating world of local web servers using the powerful ESP32 microcontroller? If so, welcome to my blog! In this post, we'll take a deep dive into the incredible capabilities of the ESP32 and show you step...5 likes·86 readsiot
Suraj·Apr 2, 2023Revolutionize Your Life with This Mind-Blowing IoT Project You Can Build Today!The Internet of Things (IoT) is an exciting area that is becoming increasingly popular among tech enthusiasts and computer science students alike. As a student in my second year of college, I decided to dive into the world of IoT and worked on severa...2 likesiot
Eng. Rodney·Mar 29, 2023How do you make a simple robot with Arduino Uno and Easy Coding Board?Making a simple robot using Arduino Uno and Easy Coding Board is a great beginner project in robotics. Here are the steps to make it: Gather materials: You will need an Arduino Uno, an Easy Coding Board, two continuous rotation servos, a 9V battery,...arduino
Amul GauravforCling Multi Solutions·Mar 22, 2023Exploring the Potential and Risks of the Internet of Things (IoT)Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT) and its Potential Impact on Our Lives The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vast network of interconnected devices, appliances, and other objects that can communicate with each other, without human intervention....27 readsInternet of Things
Johnny·Mar 14, 2023FeaturedA vanilla Typescript app for robotic camera controlI have been researching ESP32 microcontrollers and their applications for IoT and found quite an interesting development board with a built-in camera module called ESP32-CAM. This $7 device also ships with integrated Bluetooth, WiFi, a few sensors, a...56 likes·395 readsTypeScript
Holomorphic·Mar 7, 2023How to Control Arduino with MATLABHow can I control digital inputs on an Arduino using MATLAB? Here is a hello world~ of serial communication between MATLAB and Arduino. This communication will be utilized for switching the states of digital outputs in Arduino UNO. This is a pretty g...Matlab
Nathan·Mar 4, 2023Linux - Arduino udev rulessudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/52-arduino.rules paste in the following SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",KERNEL=="ttyACM*",ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0",ATTRS{idProduct}=="0483",SYMLINK+="USBIO%n",GROUP="dialout",MODE="0666" #Arduino Uno Auto Tool Changer #SUBSYSTEMS=="usb"...50 readsarduino
Tinyml·Feb 20, 2023A Guide to Getting Started with Arduino Nano 33 BLE SenseIf you are thinking about deploying a machine learning or an Artificial intelligence project on the Edge, the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is a great device to start with.The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense combines a tiny form factor, different environment ...13 likes·220 readsarduino
Shobhit SharmaforNotesProject |·Feb 18, 2023Touching the heart "Open-Source": Linux, Arduino, Tesla, etc.In general, Open-Source is an idea to allow anyone to use, modify, and distribute any tools/software/technology (which is publically available) for some purpose under some unrestricted licenses/permissions. Let's talk about Open-Source Software (OSS)...10 likes·133 readsOpen Source