Daniil Korbutrtriangle.hashnode.net·Jan 8, 2023Recommendation System Algorithms and ApproachesRecommendation systems are a type of machine learning algorithm that is designed to predict what a user might be interested in and present them with personalized recommendations. These systems are commonly used in a variety of applications, such as e...611 likes·15.8K readsML
Daniil Korbutrtriangle.hashnode.net·Jan 13, 2023On-policy and Off-policy algorithms in Reinforcement LearningReinforcement learning (RL) is a type of machine learning that enables agents to learn how to make decisions by interacting with an environment. The agent learns to maximize a reward signal by trying different actions and observing the resulting rewa...341 likes·7.2K readsMachine Learning
Uduak Obong-Erenmeekg33k.hashnode.net·Jul 31, 2020FeaturedWhat I Learned from Doing 60+ Technical Interviews in 30 DaysIn this article, I’ll share my motivation for doing 60+ technical interviews in 30 days. More importantly, I’ll share 13 lessons I learned from my failures and my successes. I’ve grouped the lessons into three categories to match the phases of a typi...304 likes·86.6K readsGeneral Programming
Asad Ullahassadbintahir.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023How to solve LeetCode problem about finding all duplicates in an arrayIntroduction In this article, we will discuss the solution to LeetCode problem #422 — "Find All Duplicates in an Array" using JavaScript. The problem statement requires us to find all the elements that appear twice in a given array. The constraints r...leetcode
Daniil Korbutrtriangle.hashnode.net·Apr 23, 2023Approximate Nearest Neighbors Algorithms and LibrariesIntroduction Approximate nearest neighbor or ANN is a critical problem in Machine Learning and has numerous applications in various fields. The importance of ANN search lies in its ability to efficiently find approximate solutions to the nearest neig...91 likes·728 readsalgorithms
Zechariah Hounwanoucodexive.hashnode.net·Apr 24, 2023Solving Valid Anagrams Checker Problem in JavaScriptHello there! We are going to be talking about a fun game called Anagram. When you take a word and re-arrange its letter to make a new valid word that right there is called an Anagram. For example, the word “cat” can be re-arranged to form a new word ...1 likeJavaScript
Alkesh Ghorpadealkesh26.hashnode.net·Apr 23, 2023LeetCode - Divide Two IntegersProblem statement Given two integers dividend and divisor, divide two integers without using multiplication, division, and mod operator. The integer division should truncate toward zero, which means losing its fractional part. For example, 8.345 woul...29 readsProgramming Blogs
Sahil Ali Khansahilkhan-1679777475631.hashnode.net·Apr 23, 2023Unleashing the Power of Shor's Algorithm: A Breakthrough in Quantum ComputingHey there! Let me tell you about one of the most fascinating things I learned recently - Shor's algorithm in quantum computing! It's a groundbreaking algorithm that was discovered by Peter Shor in 1994, and it's a real game-changer in the world of co...WeMakeDevs
Sofwan A. Lawalsofwancoder.hashnode.net·Apr 23, 2023Modulus Sharding in Software EngineeringModulus sharding is a method used in software engineering to spread data across various servers in a way that improves performance, scalability, and reliability. The method involves dividing data into smaller, easier-to-handle pieces and putting thos...76 readsDatabases
Amelia Duttaameliadutta.hashnode.net·Apr 22, 2023A Beginner's Guide to Heap Data StructureIntroduction Have you ever wondered how some programming algorithms are able to sort large amounts of data efficiently? Well, one answer lies in the heap data structure. The heap data structure is widely used in computer science for various applicati...heap
Sai Pranaysaipranay47.hashnode.net·Apr 22, 20233 Must-Have GitHub Repositories for Web Developers: Boost Your Skills and WorkflowIntroduction As a web developer, constantly learning and honing your skills is essential to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology. GitHub is a treasure trove of resources to help you level up your game. In this blog post, we're showcasi...github repository
Yajat Gulatiyajatgulati.hashnode.net·Apr 22, 2023The importance of Data Structures and Algorithms, and why React is so amazingEveryone dreads DSA Like every Computer Science major, I dreaded the Data Structures and Algorithms course. It made me re-evaluate my decision to study for this degree. Every time I sat down to study, all I could think of was, when will I ever use an...46 readsReact
Adesh Khannatheadeshkhanna.hashnode.net·Apr 22, 2023Moore's Voting Algorithm: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Majority ElementGiven an array of N integers return an element that occurs more than N/2 times in the given array. The Brute Force The most Navie and brute force approach is - Loop through each of the elements of the array For each of the elements, find its count ...Cracking the codeC++