299 reads
The blush on each cheek done via a box-shadow of the eyes was a very clever trick! If I may suggest a slight tech tweak, maybe add a overflow: hidden to the face, so that the blush doesn't spill over to the background on hover (this'd also require making the eyes pop out a little less so as not to get cut off). Also, just for mood consistency, on hover, rather than eyes popping out, the emoji could blush even more and look down as if abashed. Overall a really fun and informative piece, and definitely an inspiration :)
Thank you Maciek Fitzner! I'll try on my next (similar) project to use overflow: hidden and experiment more with the animations!
Thank you for your suggestions!
Eleftheria Batsou Funny how just yesterday I was thinking of maybe coding some basic emojis myself - because I really enjoying making this: codepen.io/MackFitz/pen/zYLbdRB as a part of a demo for a cube tutorial. Of course, nowhere near what you did, but I just love trying what I can get out of divs, borders, shadows and gradients.
Maciek Fitzner, it looks so cool! And nice work with the cube too :)