293 reads
·Sep 6, 2022
Sep 6, 2022
Great article and consise code!❤️🔥
·Jan 14, 2023
Jan 14, 2023
value={img} hoga kya ? i think input mein third wale.
·1 reply
·Jan 15, 2023
Jan 15, 2023
got the chat gpt answer. Yes, it is not possible to give an input value in a form tag in React when the type is specified as "file" because the value attribute is not supported for file input types. This is because the value attribute is used to set the initial value of an input field, but for file input types, the value represents the file path, which is not something that can be set or controlled by the developer. Instead, the file input type allows users to browse and select a file from their local file system, which is then uploaded to the server as part of the form submission process.