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Jannik Wempe



7.2K reads


James Tucker
James Tucker
Apr 29, 2021

Really good overview of Svelte, Jannik! Will point others to this post when they ask what's so great about it. :D

·1 reply
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Apr 29, 2021

Thanks, James. I basically wrote it for the same reason. Now I can point to this myself 😅

Juan F Gonzalez
Juan F Gonzalez
Apr 29, 2021

Yes indeed. As I have written before, Svelte is a really good way to get into web development for beginners but also for more veterans that want a different, more lightweight and performant way to build stuff with.

·1 reply
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Apr 29, 2021

That's true. I think the fact that you don't have to decide between various stores or animation libraries etc. makes it easier to get started.

Mayur Borse
Mayur Borse
Apr 30, 2021

Nice Intro.

Don Alfons Nisnoni
Don Alfons Nisnoni
Apr 30, 2021

Yeah... Svelte is good, i like it and use it a lot for my side projects. But thinks to know is React still dominates frontend framework, most job says react. I can't wait for svelte to be popular on job market. Though svelte is easy to learn than react. So my advice is learn svelte when you have free time. Great introduction man!

·1 reply
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Apr 30, 2021

100%! I am currently mostly doing client work in react, but I'll transition to Svelte.

In my opinion it is a good opportunity to be part of Sveltes community while it's still rather small.

Deactivated User
Deactivated User
Deactivated User
Apr 25, 2021

A interesting read about Svelte

·1 reply
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Apr 25, 2021

Happy you like it 😊

Phillip Ninan
Phillip Ninan
Apr 25, 2021

Great read my friend!

·1 reply
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Apr 25, 2021

Hey, thanks for the nice words :)

Tenzin woeser
Tenzin woeser
Apr 26, 2021

looks promising

·1 reply
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Apr 26, 2021

It does! I hope for SvelteKit v1 bringing the liftoff (therefore the rocket reaction 🤪)

Saquib Hussain
Saquib Hussain
Apr 26, 2021

This does look like the next big thing! Do you think it will be?

·6 replies
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Apr 26, 2021

Good question! I would not bet all I have, but I am pretty optimistic that Svelte is a good bet!

Are you aware of the state of js survey? Look at the result for "Front-end Frameworks":…

Users love it. I think the "Usage" and "Awareness" will therefore follow...

Saquib Hussain
Saquib Hussain
Apr 28, 2021

This makes sense.

Also, would you be up for technical writing opportunities? Let me know. Jannik Wempe

Apr 29, 2021

In my experience the Svelte developer community is less friendly than others. There are certain dealbreaker CSS policies that prevent me from using Svelte in production applications, and the developers are adamant that they will not change their minds. I hope the community can persuade them but this seems unlikely. Because of that I have to stick with the big 3 frameworks, which is unfortunate because the rest of Svelte is great. Fortunately other frameworks are still beuing created and filling in the gaps, like

James Tucker
James Tucker
Apr 29, 2021

What are those dealbreaker CSS policies?

Apr 29, 2021

James Tucker There are multiple issues filed related to CSS and trying to figure out workarounds, but here's the issue I created and here is another related example

Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Apr 30, 2021

Brandon Sad you had to make these experiences ☹️ But it can also be seen at one of Sveltes strength: they enforce best practices (and not touching components styles from outside, besides a defined interface for that, is one of them). Only use case I can think of are libraries like Bootstrap etc.

Nevertheless, it is hard (or impossible?) to please everyone. Maybe at some point your time for Svelte will come as well 😊

Appriciate your critic perspective!
