467 reads
Hey, loved your explanation on this. I never heard about the fibonacci search but your explaination great.
Would you like to collaborate on this open-source project? I'm on Discord @theroyakash#5635
Surely, lets continue on discord. I'm available as Mayesh#9842.
Great work! ✨💯
Good job💯
Wonderful explanation! 💯
Well done 👍👏
Great job.. Very intuitive!
why is it that the average time complexity of fibonacci search which you mentioned is same as that of binary searchs time complexity inspite of more comparisons being executed by fibonacci search in comparision to binary search .......
Hello Arjun, Time Complexity is more about how things scale with increasing input size and not about the cost of each iteration.
A complexity of O(logn) would simply mean that if the length of the input array is doubled, the effort involved is about 30% more than that of the original input. This stack overflow answer explains it beautifully.
Good work👍👏
TIL about Fibonacci search. Thank you! 👍
Great job 👌👍
Loved your explanation.